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Great Depression Pt.2: FDR and the New Deal

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1 Great Depression Pt.2: FDR and the New Deal

2 LG: Explain FDR’s New Deal and judge whether it was effective or not.

3 What one word describes the feeling you get when see these pictures?




7 1. Early Years of F. Roosevelt
Born to a wealthy family in New York. - Family Core Values: - Simplicity -Honesty - Hard Work - Compassion for the poor. - Obligation to serve the public. Offices before Presidency: - Practiced law. - Secretary of the Navy. - N.Y. state senator. - 2 Term Governor of N.Y. A. Political Philosophy: - Based on family’s core values, especially in labor & public assistance .

8 Roosevelt residence in Hyde Park, N.Y.

9 B. 1921-1928: Struck with polio. i Paralyzed from waist below. ii
B : Struck with polio. i Paralyzed from waist below. ii. Gave lively political speeches from bed. iii. Popularity grew; “will to survive”.


11 2. Election of 1932 A. Hoover i. Known for “do-nothing” attitude; believed in rugged individualism. B. Democrat: Franklin D. Roosevelt “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” i. “Can-do” attitude. ii. Huge supporter of direct relief as NY Governor. - Public works programs. - Old-age pensions. - Unemployment insurance. - Direct relief for poor.


13 3. Roosevelt Becomes President
***During the 4 months before FDR took office in March 1933! Economy worsened! A. FDR worked with his “brain-trust” to formulate policies to implement ASAP i. Selected advisors with differing views. ii. Devised the New Deal.

14 “…a new deal for the American people.”

15 B. New Deal: ii. The “3 R’s”: a. Financial Reform.
i. Policies designed to alleviate problems of the Great Depression. ii. The “3 R’s”: a. Financial Reform. b. Relief for the needy. c. Economic Recovery.

16 C. The 1st Hundred Days: Mar. 9 to June 16 1933
***Congress passed 15 major pieces of ND legislation. i. Following 15 laws greatly expanded national govt.’s role in the economy. ii. 1st priority: Financial Reform. - Bank holiday, closed all banks to stop further withdrawals. - Passes the Emergency Banking Relief Act: > Bank inspections.


18 D. Used many radio fireside chats:
i. Explained the “simple idea” of what he was doing to his “friends”. *** 60 million listened to first fireside chat! *** 30 during his presidency !

19 Audio Clip of FDR’s 1st Fireside Chat

20 4. New Deal Programs A. The banking crisis is now halted. B. 2nd Priority: Relief for the needy. i. “Alphabet Agencies” - Govt. funded programs aimed at helping the poor and fixing the economy.

21 “It is common sense to take a method and try it
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it… and try another.”


23 5. New Deal Coalition A.NDC: An alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party and FDR. *** Southern Whites, various urban groups, Blacks/A.A.’s, religious groups, women and unionized industrial workers. B. Election of 1936: - NDC (millions) owed their jobs to FDR. - 1st time A.A.’s switch to Democratic party. - FDR wins HUGE.

24 ***On Election Day, FDR won by one of the largest landslides in American History.
*** FDR won over 60 percent of the popular vote. FDR v.s. Kansas Gov. Alfred Landon

25 !

26 6. Opposition to the New Deal
A. Deficit Spending: FDR spends more than the country was taking in; leads to debt ($35 Bil.) and inflation. i. Why?! To “prime the pump” of the economy. ii. FDR ends the Gold Standard ($ = No Backing). - So govt. can print and spend MORE.

27 B. 1937: Congress concerned about budget. i
B. 1937: Congress concerned about budget. i. FDR stops spending; Roosevelt Recession starts. C. 1938: No end of Depression in sight. i. FDR continues to $pend.






33 D. Supreme Court Opposition i. S. C
D. Supreme Court Opposition i. S.C. rules several ND programs as unconstitutional. - Infringed upon state rights/control. ii. FDR’s “Court Packing” Plan - Feared the S.C. would do this to more. - Needed to balance the court in his favor. -S.C. backs down, FDR gets his way. - 1st major political mistake. ***How it Worked “Nine Old Men” are over burdened with work! If any justice served for 10 years and did not retire within 6 months after reaching the age of 70, the president could appoint an additional justice to the court. Applied to 6 out of 9, thus could have 15 justices!!!!11111 What do you think of this plan? And FDR? ***People thought the President would gain too much power and he challenged the independence of the Supreme Court; S.o.P.




37 The “Nine old men” - Franklin Roosevelt



40 E. From the Left and Right

41 E. From the Left and Right i
E. From the Left and Right i. Left/Liberals/American Liberty League - ND did not go far enough; take more from the rich (by force?)! ii. Right/Conservatives - President and national govt. gaining TOO MUCH power; no state powers or Constitution.

42 “God, don’t let me die. I have so much to do.”
Huey Long “God, don’t let me die. I have so much to do.”


44 7. Was the New Deal Effective?

45 A. PointCounterpoint Chart Pg. 516
Pro-New Deal List 3 of the main points they make for why the New Deal worked. Anti-New Deal List 3 of the main points they make for why the New Deal didn’t work. Your Response to which side you agree with more and Why.

46 8. End of the Great Depression
Dec. 7th, 1941… i. Japan attacks the US at Pearl Harbor, drags us into WWII. ii. The US must produce for war. - Industry and men to fight.

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