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Mrs. Traster 6th Grade Reading AC/OL

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Traster 6th Grade Reading AC/OL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Traster 6th Grade Reading AC/OL
Welcome to Open House Mrs. Traster 6th Grade Reading AC/OL

2 Who is Mrs. TRASTER? 19th year teaching (7 years in Florida, 11 in Paulding) Graduated from Florida Atlantic University Married with three boys Michael 11 Matthew 9 Ryan 7

3 Students must also come with a book to read daily!
organization 3 subject spiral notebook (Notes/Novel Study/Vocabulary) Binder space for READING with two dividers (Classwork/Handouts, Graded Papers) Loose leaf paper, pencil, pen, highlighter, glue Students must also come with a book to read daily!

4 My Class on a typical day
Opening Students enter the classroom respectfully, copy HW, take out needed materials. All students complete a bell ringer activity that introduces a lesson, concept, or reviews a skill. We review homework for the night before, if needed, and share the learning targets for the day. Work session Students will engage in a variety of tasks related to reading/writing with purpose. Students will work individually, with partners, in whole class groups, or small groups depending on the task. Closing Summary of the day’s lesson or activity; exit ticket, questions for the class, sticky note response, etc.

5 Sample bell ringers

6 My blog – Mrs. Traster’s 6th Grade Reading BLOG
I update my blog daily-as close to daily as possible. I will attach electronic copies of many novel assignments to the blog. Both AC and OL class information is located on the same blog A class picture section will be added for a classroom peek

7 Classroom sneak-a-peek

8 Syllabus highlights PARENTAL SUPPORT - Encourage homework/vocabulary review, keeping up with assignments, independent reading, and checking blog. HOMEWORK - Assigned as needed based on the following criteria Skills review & practice, quiz/test prep, independent reading needs TUTORING - Before school assistance will be available on Tuesday mornings from 8:30-8:50. Details will be posted on my blog. READING COUNTS - Students are required to read a minimum of 3 books per quarter and take a Reading Counts quiz for each book. (Due dates are posted throughout school/class.) PAWSITIVES – Students will be rewarded and encouraged for following Tapp PRIDE and classroom expectations. NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR- Will be shared with you via /phone calls.

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