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Rococo and Neo-Classical Art:

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Presentation on theme: "Rococo and Neo-Classical Art:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rococo and Neo-Classical Art:
What were Rococo and Neo-Classical Art and how did they reflect the ideas of the Enlightenment?

2 Rococo: Way over the top!!!
Rococo style of art embraced lavish decoration with pastel colors Became style of French aristocracy Famous artists included Jean-Antoine Watteau, Francois Boucher, and Jean- Honore Fragonard


4 Music Lesson by Jean Antoine Watteau

5 Four Seasons by Francois Boucher

6 The Swing by Jean-Honore Fragonard

7 Neo-Classicism: Old School!!!
Neo-classical style art focused on the ancient world Concerned with public life more than the intimate families of Rococo Famous artists included Jacques-Louis David and Jean Antoine Houdon

8 Oath of Horatii by Jacques Louis David

9 Liberty Leading the People by Eugene de la Croix

10 Sculptures by Jean Antoine Houdon

11 Enlightened Music: Some of the Greatest!!!
Enlightenment music embraced new styles and sounds -Complicated movements with many instruments -Used changes in tempo to emphasize changes in mood Most commonly associated with the symphony Opera became incredibly popular with the Aristocracy Titans of music: -Beethoven -Mozart -Handel

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