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Things we thought you should know!

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1 Things we thought you should know!
JHS Student Handbook Things we thought you should know!

2 School colors The school colors are Cardinal Red, Navy, and Silver.

3 Computer Usage All internet users must have a signed Acceptable Internet Use Agreement (AIUA) on file. The Joplin School District reserves the right to any material stored in files. Information contained on the network is placed there for general information purposes.

4 Hall Passes Students are not permitted in the halls during class periods unless they are accompanied by a teacher or have a hall pass from an authorized staff member.

5 Procedural Change regarding Tardies
Each student will get two tardies per class and on the 3rd tardy for the class a referral will be sent to the office, then discipline will be assigned by the student’s grade level principal.

6 2011-2012 Tardy/ Late Arrival Policy Changes:
Excessive Unauthorized Late Arrivals – begins on the 3rd late arrival (arriving more than 10 minutes late to class without a proper excuse) 1stViolation - Thursday Block for the 3rd offense and every subsequent offense +Student’s more than 10 minutes late need to be sent to principal’s office for a documented pass from principal. Excessive Tardies (per class): 1st Violation   3 Tardies -Referral and Thursday Block 2nd Violation 6 Tardies -Referral and Thursday 3rd Violation 9 Tardies -Referral and 2 Thursday Blocks. Failure to serve will result in ISS at the 9/10 Campus

7 ATTENDANCE *Each student should not exceed nine (9) days of absences per semester if he/she expects to earn credit in each course enrolled. *Excused reasons for being gone from school are absences that are beyond the student’s control and both the parent/legal guardian and school can conform “ legitimacy for the absence.” Absences are categorized Excused or UnExcused ( Truancy is considered an UnExcused absence). Examples of an Excused absences are: doctors appts., orthodontist appts., etc. An UnExcused absence would be skipping or didn’t feel like coming to school, etc.

8 Failure to do so could result in a check by the attendance office.
RE-ENTRY AFTER ABSENCE: When a student is absent, the parent should call the principal’s office by 9:00 am to explain the reason for the absence (in some cases, additional documentation may be required: Dr. notes, counseling appointments, etc). Failure to do so could result in a check by the attendance office. If a parent doesn’t call the school the day of the absence (with a verified reason for the absence), the student will need to bring in a signed note (by the parent) for school records when the student returns to school the following day after the absence. The attendance offices will open each morning before class begins to allow students to bring documentation to verify previous day’s absence.

If a student leaves school during school hours, he/ she will need to sign out in the principal’s office with a verified reason. Upon return to school during regular school hours, students will need to sign in at the principal’s office for proper verification.

10 Changes for Quality Attendance –
4 absences or less per semester (not counting school activities) If a student opts to be exempt from finals in a final exempt course, he/she will be required to engage in an activity such as: career awareness research, service learning projects in the community, researching careers, participating in counseling activities, school surveys and information/feedback, volunteering at school or in community, college or trade school visits, or any other approved activity from a menu of choices on (or near) the day of the final exemption. Each student who qualifies for Quality Attendance will work with their advisor to appropriately document and report the approved activities. Approved activities will be required in order for the student to be considered in “good standing” as “student activity” during finals for the current semester.

11 Grade Classification To be a sophomore, you have to have the minimum of six (6) credits… To be a junior, you have to have the minimum of twelve (12) credits. If you want to be a Senior, you have to have a minimum of eighteen (18) credits. In order to graduate… you HAVE to have twenty-five credits.

12 Drug Testing Every student in extra & co-curricular activities has to sign up for drug testing. You will have to turn in a form to have a drug test. If you refuse to take the drug test… you will be ineligible to do extra-curricular or co-curricular activities.

13 Tobacco Rules Violation of this policy by students will be treated as follows: First Offense: Three days in-school-detention and the completion of a tobacco educational writing assignment. Second Offense: Five days in-school detention and the completion of a tobacco educational writing assignment.. Third Offense: Three days out-of-school suspension. Fourth Offense: Ten days out-of-school suspension, and a possible recommendation to the superintendent of school for a long-term suspension.

14 Harassment Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination as well as disrespectful behavior, which will not be tolerated. It is unwelcome and unwanted behavior related to an individual’s actual or perceived race or color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, etc. It can include any unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct, which offends, denigrates, or belittles any individual because of any of the characteristics listed above.

15 Suspension A principal may suspend a student for up to ten (10) school days for violation of policies, rules and or regulations. Only the school board can expel a student, or suspend a student for more than 180 days.

16 Just Tell It! What you can do to keep your school, your friends, and yourself safe: Just Tell It when you hear of a threat or observe something that makes you think a violent event is being planned. Tell your teacher, counselor, or principal. You may be saving lives and also helping a disturbed classmate get the help they need. If you feel you cannot tell an adult... Call: to report any threats. You can remain anonymous.

17 POSTERS All students must present poster or posters to an administration for approval No posting or posters on signs or glass doors All posters must be removed on the date of the event

18 Deliveries Unnecessary items (floral arrangements, balloons, etc.) will not be accepted for delivery to students.

19 SCHEDULE CHANGE Courses selected during registration should be considered as final. Needed schedule changes will be made during the first five days of the semester only. Changes will not be made to arrange your lunch schedule, or because you want another instructor.

20 The rules of ISD It varies from 3 to 10 days.
If you are assigned ISD you are to report no later than 8:15 a.m. and are to remain there until 3:15 pm or your last scheduled class. It is limited to silent study. You are allowed to leave the room during specific restroom breaks. Lunch is in the ISD room. You may bring your own or purchase one. Failure to follow all rules and complete assignments will result in extension in ISD or OSS.

21 Dances Joplin High School will have dances throughout the year.
Dances begin at 8:00 p.m. and end at 11:00 p.m. No middle school students allowed. Cannot be absent the day of the dance or have out-of-school suspension. Guests must be pre-approved by the administration before attending.

22 A+ PROGRAM A student who meets the following criteria and continues his/her education at a Missouri public community college or vocational- technical school is eligible for state reimbursed tuition, and fees. The student must enter into this written agreement with Joplin High School to be eligible for financial incentive and: Have attended an A+ School for three consecutive years prior to high school graduation; Graduation from high school with a grade point average of 2.5 point (C+) or higher on a four point scale; have at least a 95% attendance record for four year period; Performed 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentioning for younger students; Maintained a record of good citizenship. See Sue Day and Charla Hamilton

Cellular phones must be in the silent position. Students who refuse to put their phones away as requested by a teacher will be subject to the same consequences for noncompliance as in any other instance of insubordination or noncompliance.

24 FAQ When I am absent, how and when do I make-up work?
If I oversleep, can that be excused? What if I feel sick during the day and skip a class until I feel better? What do I do if I have exceeded the attendance policy? Can I leave campus? Is there an open lunch?

25 Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check out of school during the school day? Where do I report an item lost or stolen? Can I carry my medicine to school? When does the attendance window open? Do I need to bring in a note from my parent?

26 Refer to the JHS student handbook for a complete listing of school rules.
PROM To got to the prom you have to be a junior or a senior and have to have enough credits.

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