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Commissioning Status of the LCLS Accelerator and Undulator Systems

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1 Commissioning Status of the LCLS Accelerator and Undulator Systems
Henrik Loos for the LCLS Commissioning Team

2 Accelerator Commissioning
Overview LCLS Introduction Accelerator Commissioning Emittance Laser Heater Bunch Compression Feedback Stability Undulator Commissioning Diagnostics Beam Based Alignment Spontaneous Radiation Outlook

3 Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC
X-FEL based on last 1-km of existing linac Injector (35º) at 2-km point Å Existing 1/3 Linac (1 km) (with modifications) New e- Transfer Line (340 m) X-ray Transport Line (200 m) Undulator (130 m) Near Experiment Hall Far Experiment Hall

4 LCLS Accelerator Layout
6 MeV z  0.83 mm   0.05 % 135 MeV z  0.83 mm   0.10 % 250 MeV z  0.19 mm   1.6 % 4.30 GeV z  mm   0.71 % 13.6 GeV z  mm   0.01 % beam parked here Linac-X L =0.6 m rf= -160 Linac-0 L =6 m rf gun L0-a,b Linac-1 L 9 m rf  -25° Linac-2 L 330 m rf  -41° Linac-3 L 550 m rf  0° 25-1a 30-8c ...existing linac 21-3b 24-6d 21-1 b,c,d undulator L =130 m X BC1 L 6 m R56 -39 mm BC2 L 22 m R56 -25 mm undulator DL1 L 12 m R56 0 DL2 L =275 m R56  0 Commission Mar-Aug 2007 Commission Jan-Aug 2008 Dec 2008… SLAC linac tunnel research yard X-rays in spring 2009

5 LCLS Beam Diagnostics 2 Transverse RF cavities (135 MeV & 5 GeV)
BC2 4.3 GeV BSY 14 GeV TCAV3 5.0 GeV BC1 250 MeV L1S 3 wires 2 OTR L1X 4 wire scanners L2-linac L3-linac DL1 135 MeV L0 gun TCAV0 old screen 3 OTR sz1 sz2 stopper heater m wall DL2 undulator scanners + 4 collimators vert. dump 2 Transverse RF cavities (135 MeV & 5 GeV) ~195 BPMs and toroids 7 YAG screens (at E 135 MeV) 12 OTR screens at E  135 MeV 15 wire scanners (each with x & y wires) CSR/CER pyroelectric bunch length monitors at BC1 & BC2 4 beam phase monitors (2856 – 51 MHz) Gun spectrometer line + injector spectrometer line YAG screens OTR screens Wire scanners

6 Injector Emittance Commissioning
Measured emittance meets requirement for FEL Emittance measured at OTR screen with upstream quad scan for 95% charge Q = 250 pC E = 135 MeV Iterative Optimization with gun solenoid & quads, steering correctors, and matching to design Twiss γεx = 0.83 μm For 1 nC γεx = 1.07 μm γεy = 1.11 μm γεy = 0.86 μm

7 New LTU Wire-Scanners Working Well
Emittance to upstream of undulator (mostly) preserved Emittance horizontal 1.1um

8 Laser-Heater Working Well
YAGS2 Laser OFF σE/E < 12 keV RF deflector ON time energy YAGS2 Laser: 40 µJ σE/E  45 keV Dec. 10, 2008 YAGS2 Laser: 230 µJ σE/E  120 keV

9 Laser-Heater Working Well
YAGS2 YAGS2 Laser energy 230 µJ σE/E  120 keV Laser OFF Double-horn is consistent with laser beam presently ~50% larger in transverse size than electron beam

10 Bunch Compression in BC2
Bunch Length vs. Compression V0 ≤ 20 MV e- sz 2.44 m bc bp D  90° V(t) sy RF ‘streak’ S-band Calibration Measurement Q = 0.25 nC σz ≈ 2 μm

11 CSR Emittance Growth in BC2
Beam emittance can grow due to coherent synchrotron radiation effects during bunch compression Compare measurements with simulation code Confirms 100% projected emittance growth at nominal compression Slice emittance not effected at operating point Emittance growth mechanisms well understood Y. Ding, Z. Huang

12 Laser & Electron-Based Feedback Systems
Transverse Loops Stabilize: Laser spot on cathode Gun launch angle Injector trajectory X-band cavity position Linac & LTU trajectory (5) Undulator trajectory Longitudinal Loops Stabilize: DL1 energy BC1 energy BC1 bunch length BC2 energy BC2 bunch length Final energy L0 gun L3 L2 X DL1 BC1 DL2 L1 sz1 d1 1 V1 sz2 d2 2 V2 d3 V3 d0 V0 D. Fairley, J. Wu BC2 BPMs CER detectors Steering Loop Laser

13 Feedback system keep machine stable for short-term …
LCLS Beam Stability Injector Beam position Laser: 3% Injector: 4% at 250 MeV Linac: 10-15% at 9 GeV Undulator: ~20% Goal is 10% Bunch length BC1: 5% at 250 A BC2: 8% at 3000 A Charge & Energy ΔQ/Q ≈ 1.5% ΔE/E ≈ 0.03% at 13.6 GeV 1-s beam size Linac D. Ratner Feedback system keep machine stable for short-term …

14 Electron Beam Reaches Brightness for 1.5 Å
… and for long-term! FEL Power Prediction 3D Gain Length Gain length and saturation power calculated from measured electron beam parameters

15 LCLS Undulator Configuration
In/Out Scan Beam Undulator Quad RF BPM Girder BFW Corr Girder Movers 33 Undulator segments on individual girders (21 installed) Undulator, Quad, BPM, BFW move with girder Beam Finder Wire (BFW) retractable Girder alignment with BFW at upstream and BBA at downstream end

16 First Beam to Main Dump 1st shot (stops in just into undulator)
BPMs mistimed 1st shot (stops in just into undulator) 2nd shot (all the way to dump)

17 66 Beam Finder Wires (BFW) Tested and Aligned
…also emittance measured using 4 BFW’s Centering Works Well

18 Undulator Re-Pointing is Tested
Enables motion of the entire undulator to steer electron beam and X-rays to a new axis

19 Undulator Cavity BPMs Calibrated with Beam
using girder motion vs. BPM reading 6% rms scale variation in X (will be improved) fixed 6% rms scale variation in Y (will be improved)

20 Beam Based Alignment Schematic
BPM and quadrupole offsets are unknown Vary energy, measure orbit to determine straight line Δb0 Δb1 Δb2 Δb3 Δb0 Δq1 Δq2 Δq3 E2 x,x’ E1 Δy0 Δy1 Δy2 Δy3 Δy4 BPM Offsets Δbi Quad Offsets Δqi E1 < E2

21 Undulator Beam-Based Alignment Converged
Final Round of Beam-Based Alignment Earth’s field pattern 100 µm RMS = 64 µm Verify alignment with quad strength variations 40 µm RMS = 26 µm

22 Undulator Beam-Based Alignment Converged
20 mm 5 mm Dispersion-Free (from 4.3 to 13.6 GeV)

23 Undulator Magnet Installed at U-25 (of 33)
Photo is just an example, and not U-25

24 High resolution RF-BPMs
RF-BPMs Resolve 10 nrad Kicks (~300 nm resolution) 20 BPMs in a 6-parameter fit (X0, X0', Y0, Y0', Xkick, Ykick) has a 0.5 µm Xrms fit residual and a 0.3 µm Yrms fit residual (NAVG=25).

25 Beam-Based Measured Field Integrals
MMF Measurements (U25) Beam-based measurement agrees with MMF data Beam-Based Measurements (U25) IX1 IX1 IY1 IY1

26 Measured Undulator Girder Backlash (<1 mm)
3-parameter fit to 20 cavity BPMs along the undulator (y0, y0, and Dy) Dy = 30 nrad kick due to quad ±4 mm (y0, y0) Feb. 7, 2009

27 Wakefield Energy-Loss in the LCLS Undulator
Wake field energy loss agrees well with theory Important to adjust taper of undulator correctly

28 84 meters of Undulator Installed

29 Observation of Undulator Radiation
Spontaneous X-Rays (U25 undulator only) Radiation from dump bends Used to measure X-ray energy at K-edge of YAG crystal absorption

30 X-Ray Diagnostics in the Front End Enclosure
Slit Fixed Mask Solid Attenuators Reticule K-Monochromator Collimators Thermal Sensor Pop-in cameras C0 collimator (in e- beam dump Gas Attenuator Gas Detector Beam Direction Direct Imager (Scintillator) Pop-in cameras Gas Detector FEL Offset Mirror Systems

31 Summary Accelerator commissioned mostly to design goals
Laser heater commissioned and working well (does not salvage OTR screen quantitative use – many MPS problems) Beam-based alignment converged to required level (should improve after undulators installed due to µ-shielding of Earth’s field) New LTU wire scanners working routinely Cavity BPMs commissioned and working fantastically One undulator field integrals confirmed with beam 21 undulators installed Full motion control on all girders (+ 21 undulators) working well All beam finder wires (BFW) checked out and aligned with beam BFW’s also used successfully to measure emittance Full 6x6 feedback running (some over-sensitivity to machine setup still) Soon hopefully to observe first FEL light

32 To Do Tune up and run extended time (2 wks) at 4.3 GeV in preparation for AMO run Streamline energy change for users and for rapid beam-based alignment Install, set up, and verify new MPS system (controls) Commission remaining undulators Measure FEL gain Commission FEE Optimize FEL

33 LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line
Install Undulators First Light in FEH LTU/Und Install PPS Cert. LTU/Dump FEE/NEH Install First Light in FEE X-Rays in NEH FEH Hutch BO CD-4 (7/31/2010) PEP-II run ends now J F M A M J J A A S O N D D J F M M A M J J A S O N D D J F M A M J J Down Down? PPS LTU/Und Comm. NEH Ops & Commissioning Linac/BC2 Commissioning Re-establish e- to SL2 FEL/FEE Commissioning Nov. 3, 2008

34 Undulator Trajectory Jitter
Energy (GeV) σx (μm) σy (μm) Beam size (μm) 13.64 9 7 33 9.25 12 6 4.3 18 23 36

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