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Respiratory System Day 1.

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1 Respiratory System Day 1

2 Frontal Sinus (1) Nasal Cavity (3) Right Lung (13) Right Bronchus (14) Alveoli (17) Capillaries (18) Terminal Bronchiole (15) Diaphragm (25) Sphenoidal Sinus (2) Nasopharynx (4) Oropharynx (5) Laryngeal pharynx (6) Larynx and vocal Cords (8) Esophagus (9) Trachea (10) Mediastinum (12) Visceral Pleura (21) Parietal Pleura (20) Sternum (23) Epiglottis (7)

3 A, I: Sinuses Cavities that are filled with mucous.
Moisten the air and surrounding tissue

4 B. Nasal Cavity Mucous Membrane: moistens the incoming air
Cilia: filters the incoming air F. Capillaries/blood vessels: warms the air Add to your diagram

5 J, K, L. Pharynx Contracts to move food to the esophagus

6 N. Esophagus T. Epiglottis
Muscular tube that automatically pushes food downward to the stomach Cartilaginous flap that prevents food from going into the lungs

7 M. Larynx and Vocal Cords
Vibrate and enable you to talk

8 R. Parietal Pleura Fluid filled, lines the thoracic cavity

9 Q. Visceral Pleura Fluid filled, lines the lungs, decrease friction as lungs expand

10 Branch off of the trachea; take air to the lungs
D. Bronchus

11 G. Terminal Bronchioles
Branch off of the bronchus Contain alveoli for gas exchange

12 E. Alveoli: Gas exchange:
Oxygen goes from the alveoli to the capillaries CO2 goes from the capillaries into the alveoli Alveoli Expanding: Alveoli and Capillaries:

13 O.) Trachea Provides air to the lungs
Contains cartilage to keep the pipe open Secretes mucous: provides moisture and kills bacteria

14 Human lungs on life support:
Breathing: Surfactant: Human lungs on life support:

15 Video Review Epiglottis:
Epiglottis: Trachea collapsing:

16 Class Debate EXAMPLE Should high school students be able to leave campus everyday to get lunch?

17 Class Debate Should Marijuana be legalized in Alabama for recreational and or medical use? See Google Classroom

18 Day 1: Does Marijuana have any long term effects on the respiratory system? Of those smoking it Of those around the person smoking it (second-hand smoke)

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