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Reasons ecosystems decline

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1 Reasons ecosystems decline

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3 Deforsestation Deforestation is when humans
remove or clear large areas of forest lands and related ecosystems for non-forest use.

4 Deforestation Reasons
To be used, sold or exported as timber, wood or fuel (logging) Farming purposes (grazing fields for livestock, or large-scale farming activities) make room for human settlement and urbanization (these include making space for shelter, industries, and roads) make room for mining

5 Waste management Waste are items we (individuals, offices, schools, industries, hospitals) don’t need and discard. Methods landfilling recycling composting

6 Aquaculture Aquaculture involves the art, science and business of breeding aquatic animals and plants in fresh or marine waters for human use. It also extends to the marketing of such organisms in a controlled environment Types Inland Pond Culture Recirculating systems Open-net pen and Cage systems Flow-through / raceway

7 overfishing Overfishing is simply a situation where humans catch too much fish from the oceans (and also water bodies) in such massive quantities and fast pace than nature can naturally replenish. Causes: Overcapacity Unsustainable fishing Economic and food needs

8 Invasive species Can be either plant or animal
Invasive species are one of the leading threats to native wildlife. Approximately 42% of Threatened or Endangered species are at risk because of invasive species. Examples: kudzu, tumbleweed, Burmese pythons, Africanized bee

9 Water scarcity Less than 3% of water on earth is fresh water, and the bulk of this is trapped in snowfields and glaciers and not easily accessible. Only a Naturally, the 3% should be enough for all humans and animals on earth, but unfortunately, many factors have caused a major upset in the flow and use of fresh water and have caused massive crisis in many regions of the earth. A tiny fraction (0.014%) is surface water in the form of rivers, lakes and swamps.

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