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CONFLICT RESOLUTION Avoiding a Fight 10/21/08.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFLICT RESOLUTION Avoiding a Fight 10/21/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFLICT RESOLUTION Avoiding a Fight 10/21/08

2 Guidance Lesson: Conflict Resolution Grades 6-8
Objective: The students will be able to use appropriate behavioral skills to avoid a fight as well report conflicts that ignite because of bullying, anger, or teasing. Activities: Picture story; Pickers Puzzle; Role-playing Materials: Avoiding a Fight Handout; PowerPoint; activity sheet; Evaluation: Class Discussion/Teacher Observation

3 Brainstorming Think of examples of behaviors that upset you and make you think about fighting.


5 Ways to Solve Problems Report Peer Behavior Walk Away
Use a calm-down strategy Talk things out with a mediator. Counselor Drop Box Other ways????

6 Avoiding a Fight Recognize that you are getting angry.
Be quiet for a moment. Think about how you can leave or change the situation. Walk away from the person, suggest a compromise, or get help from an adult.

7 Reasons to Avoid Fights
You won’t have to go to the office and principal will not call parents. You will not have school retract. You will not have silent lunch. You will not get on the Non-privilege list. You’ll not get hurt or hurt someone. You will avoid getting suspended or expelled from school.

8 Role-playing Group 1 You are in the gym playing basketball and someone calls you a name while you all are playing. Group 2 You hear a student say something derogatory about you and your family. Group 3 In the hall, two other students points & laughs at you. Group 4 You almost have a fight in the bathroom; the student says that they are going to finish it on the way to the buses. Group 5 You walk over to sit at a table in the cafeteria and after you sit the other person says that they so not want you sitting there. Group 6 You are lining up to exit the classroom and another student jumps in front of you. Group 7 You are busy finishing an assignment in class when another student sends you a letter that says that someone else is telling others that you are nasty because you have been going out with every boy that ask you out.

9 Questions/Answers

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