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Bite Size Session Audit

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1 Bite Size Session Audit
June 2016 Welcome to the webinar to introduce The Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme. The Training Programme has been around for about 15 years as Stages 1 and 2 where the expectation is to develop ‘general’ skills However over the past year Stages 3 and 4 of the training have started to be developed and with this the opportunity to develop specialist skills and then further advanced skills.

2 Acknowledgement Grateful thanks to Frances Notman for developing this presentation

3 Learning outcomes On successful completion of this session the learner will be able to: Discuss the various factors required to achieve a ‘satisfactory’ audit Describe how to undertake and submit an audit

4 Audit is………

5 How does Audit differ to Research and Service Evaluation?

6 Criterion based audit

7 Audit Cycle

8 Audit key points Criteria
Specific, Precise, Logical, Measurable, Realistic Example Patients who are prescribed an oral NSAID or COX2 inhibitor for more than 2 months are co-prescribed gastro-protection Standards 90% within 3 months

9 Audit key points If criteria are precise and specific data collections will be comparable Criteria need to be positive Patients who are on Amlodipine and require a statin should be on Simvastatin at a dose of 20mg or less or another acceptable statin. Rather than negative…. Patient should not be on Simvastatin at a dose of over 20mg and Amlodipine

10 Audit key points Presentation of data
Compare data collection with standard and with each other Use a simple table or bar chart Do not include data that does not address the criteria / standards

11 The Audit Process – An Example

12 What documents are involved?
Audit reporting form (on NES website CPD pages) The feedback form (used by the reviewers, on NES website CPD pages)

13 Acknowledgements & Useful resources
Benjamin A; Audit: how to do it in practice. BMJ May 31;336(7655): The Good GP Training Guide. Edited by Matt Burkes & Alec Logan. Royal College of General Practitioners 2014 Royal Pharmaceutical Society – Clinical Audit & Toolkit (members only content) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – Audit Tools Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network – Audit Tools NHS Health Research Authority – Defining research PSNC: Clinical Audit NES Audit - FAQs

14 Audit Discussion

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