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7th grade 1st 9 week review.

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1 7th grade 1st 9 week review

2 What are these words in order from least to most complex?
Biosphere Cell Community Ecosystem Organ Organ system Organism Population tissue Cell Tissue Organ System Organism Population Community Ecosystem biosphere

3 What would be a limitation to this heart model?
Possible answers: It can not circulate fluids It does not show the internal parts of the heart It is not the same size as a real heart

4 Use the cell theory to justify whether the following is alive or not.
Possible answers: Not alive: it is not made of cells It can not reproduce with cells It does not gets its energy from eating food FIRE

5 Match the following words with the picture
prokaryotic eukaryotic unicellular multicellular autotrophic heterotrophic “you” have a nucleus Has a nucleus, one celled, has to eat

6 Match the following words with the picture
prokaryotic eukaryotic unicellular multicellular autotrophic heterotrophic Pro = NO nucleus No nucleus, one celled, has to eat

7 Match the following words with the picture
prokaryotic eukaryotic unicellular multicellular autotrophic heterotrophic “you” have a nucleus Has a nucleus, many celled, has to eat

8 Match the following words with the picture
prokaryotic eukaryotic unicellular multicellular autotrophic heterotrophic “you” have a nucleus Has a nucleus, many celled, makes own food

9 What is this cell part and what does this cell part do?
It is the mitochondria and it makes energy for the cell

10 Why do animal cells have more mitochondria than plant cells?
They use more energy because they move.

11 Why is the vacuole larger in a plant cell ?
They have to store their water when it Rains. We can refill ours when we drink.

12 How is the Cell wall structure related to its function ?
It is stiff and thick, so the plant can stand up.

13 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine adrenal gland homeostasis fight and flight response stimulus and response

14 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine alveoli bronchi diaphragm inhale/exhale trachea

15 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine artery capillaries cardiac muscle

16 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine skin keeps out germs regulates temperature releases waste

17 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine tendon ligament striated moves the body

18 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine hinge joint ball and socket joint gliding joint makes blood provides structure and support

19 Match these organs and words to their systems ?
skeletal muscular nervous circulatory respiratory integumentary endocrine controls the bodies functions nerves reflex

20 Involuntary muscle or voluntary muscle?

21 Involuntary muscle or voluntary muscle?

22 Involuntary muscle or voluntary muscle?
thigh muscle

23 Involuntary muscle or voluntary muscle?

24 Smooth or cardiac muscle?

25 The nucleus is to the cell As the _________ is to the body. BRAIN
Complete the analogy The nucleus is to the cell As the _________ is to the body. BRAIN

26 The cell membrane is to the cell As the _________ is to the body. SKIN
Complete the analogy The cell membrane is to the cell As the _________ is to the body. SKIN

27 External or Internal stimulus?
The flu virus internal

28 External or Internal stimulus?
Rotten food internal

29 External or Internal stimulus?
A scary movie external

30 What is homeostasis? balance in your bodies systems

31 What system regulates homeostasis?

32 What is the fight or flight response?
Your endocrine system sends hormones to give your body speed to run away or Fight for your life. (NOT TO FLY!)

33 What tropism is this? phototropism

34 What tropism is this? geotropism

35 What cell part controls wilting in plants?

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