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Torrance State Hospital

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1 Torrance State Hospital

2 Mission Statement To provide all persons who have a serious mental illness the opportunity for growth recover and inclusion in their community through evidence based psychiatric treatment and substance abuse services, access to the supports and services of their choice, so that they may enjoy a quality of life that facilitates personal growth and achievement.

3 Torrance Profile Serves 10 counties, which includes 6 townships of Allegheny as well as Armstrong/Indiana; Bedford/Somerset; Blair; Butler; Cambria; Fayette; Westmoreland Census ( as of 8/21/07)-217 individuals Torrance also currently serves 13 individuals in Sexual Responsibility & Treatment Program (SRTP) Overall Length of Stay (LoS)= 5.9 years LoS in categories by age: 18-21 Years- Average LoS =1.4 years 22-64 Years- Average LoS =5.6 years 65+ Years-Average LoS =9.2 years

4 Admissions and Discharge Information FY 2006/07
Admitted: 148 Discharged: 149 With LoS of less than 100 days: 32 With LoS of days: 47 With LoS of less than 1 year: 35 With LoS of 1-3 years : 24 With LoS 3+ years: 11

5 Recovery Focused Annual Consumer Planned and Conducted Conference for past 11 years Consumer operated Drop on Center No Seclusion Rooms and no individual secluded in over 3 years No Mechanical Restraint used since 1/2006

6 What is needed to conform to the requirements of our ideal system?
Since 2002, planning included ongoing meetings and discussion with all stakeholders regarding: For the SMH service area what are the “requirements” of an ideal system for adults with serious mental illness? For the SMH service area what treatment, services, and supports do we now have available? What is needed to conform to the requirements of our ideal system?

7 Family Input Survey Torrance State Hospital Discharge Planning Process
Housing Education, Employment & Volunteer Options Skill Development Community Acceptance & Options

8 Consumer MH Relapse Prevention Questionnaire
Peer Developed Peer Administered or Supervised To Identify trends & Patterns leading to relapse 17 Items to select as indicators of personal relapse Distributed at Western PA CSP Distributed to consumers of TSH Results will be incorporated in to positive system changes

9 TSH Survey Results 46 % reported being bored, lonely , having no one to talk to 44 % reported a lack of support 36 % reported their family or friends not understanding mental illness is a disease.

10 Ongoing Evaluation Peer to Peer Consumer Assessments- CFST
Family Assessments- NAMI Clinical Assessments CSP Process

11 President’s New Freedom Commission on Recovery
Recovery refers to the process in which people are able to live, work, learn and participate fully in their communities. For some individuals, recovery is the ability to live a fulfilling and productive life despite a disability. For others, recovery implies the reduction or complete remission of symptoms. Science has shown that having hope plays a very important integral role in an individual’s recovery.

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