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What’s a HOPE SQUAD? HOPE is an acronym for: Hold on Persuade Empower

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2 What’s a HOPE SQUAD? HOPE is an acronym for: Hold on Persuade Empower
Which stand for the steps required to intervene with youth who are at-risk of suicide.

3 Where did it start? HOPE SQUADS began in 2004 in Provo, Utah at Timpview High School in response to an epidemic of teen suicide and suicide attempts. The program was developed by Dr. Gregory Hudnall, who was principal at Timpview High in Provo School District.

4 Why Do We Need a HOPE SQUAD?
Currently, Utah ranks 5th in the nation for suicide. HOPE SQUADs will help us spread the word about getting help. HOPE SQUADs will be made up of students who are nominated by you because they are caring, trustworthy, and helpful. This is not a popularity contest. Only nominate people who you know you can count on to help others in a time of crisis.

5 Nomination Process Think about who you would trust to help you out if you were feeling depressed, anxious, or wanting to hurt yourself. You can nominate up to three people. We will have students serve on the team.

6 The HOPE SQUAD Team Students who are chosen for the HOPE SQUAD must be willing to serve through 12th grade. HOPE SQUAD members must have parent permission to participate. The HOPE SQUAD will have trainings twice each month. HOPE SQUAD will have up to four advisors from the faculty. HOPE SQUAD members will also be part of the Student Crisis Response Team.

7 Crisis Resources

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