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S1) NF-κB p65 relative expression after specific p65 RNA silencing

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1 S1) NF-κB p65 relative expression after specific p65 RNA silencing
S1) NF-κB p65 relative expression after specific p65 RNA silencing. NF-κBp65 mRNA levels in PHFA cells transfected with p65 specific siRNA 6 hours before LPS, Tat or heat inactivated Tat treatments, and incubated for 4 hours (a) and 24 hours (b). Data derive from three different experiments, run in triplicate, and are expressed as “2-ΔCt x 1000” ± standard deviations. S2) NF-κB p65 primers used for RT-Real Time PCR. Forward primer 5’ TGG CCC CTA TGT GGA GAT CA 3’ and reverse primer 5’ GTA TCT GTG CTC CTC TCG CC 3’. Primers has been designed by using Blast Primer Design Tool (

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