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Bellringer Choose your groups wisely- there should be no more than 4 at a table (excluding 1st period) Take out spiral or composition notebook dedicated.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Choose your groups wisely- there should be no more than 4 at a table (excluding 1st period) Take out spiral or composition notebook dedicated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Choose your groups wisely- there should be no more than 4 at a table (excluding 1st period) Take out spiral or composition notebook dedicated to Science. Use the sharpie marker on the table to write your name and “Science” on the front On the front page (Pg. 0), write the following: Name: _________________ Teacher: Hilgefort Period: _____ Interactive Science Notebook: Geology If you have not turned in your safety contract, put it in your class’ paper bind

2 Interactive Notebook When you enter the classroom:
Copy down the daily learning log (front page) Pg 1: Density Column & Notes Copy down homework (agendas coming soon) Begin bellringer

3 Assigned Seats/Group Jobs
Group Manager Voice of the group; presents information to class and keeps group on task. Tells teacher if any group member is absent. Supplies Manager (paper manager/supplies manager) Collects papers, manages supplies Gameboard Manager Moves gameboard pieces Secretary Picks up and puts away board/marker, writes group responses

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen when we pour syrup, dish soap, water, and oil together in a graduated cylinder? Gather Data: Observations (what happened):

5 Volume The amount of space an object occupies Base Unit= Liter
Instrument= Graduated Cylinder, Beaker Use lowest line (Meniscus)

6 DENSITY COLUMN Material Mass (g) Volume (v) Density (m/v) Syrup
15 Dish Soap 20 Water 25 Oil 10

7 Mass Mass: Amount of matter in a substance Base Unit=grams
Instrument: Triple beam balance

8 Put the balance on a level surface. Slide all the masses to zero. If the two white lines don’t touch, Rotate the screw under the pan until the white lines do line up.

9 Move the masses one at a time,
starting with the biggest one. If the pan goes up, you need to move the slider backward one notch and leave it there. Once the big mass is on the correct notch, don’t ever move it again.

10 If putting the medium mass on 70 makes the pan go up . . .
. . . slide it back to 60 and leave it there. Repeat the procedure with the medium mass.

11 Notice that the large and medium masses have notches on their rails.
This reminds us that we should never leave the large mass or the medium mass between numbers. We must “click” the large and medium masses right onto the numbers.

12 Finally, slide the little mass on the front rail until the two white lines match up.
Because there are no notches on the front rail, you can slide it to the exact position you want.

13 521.2 grams

14 Bellringer Copy down daily learning log & homework
Pg. #2: Calculating Density Lab No homework Take out Density Column Notes & Lab (Pg. #1)

15 DENSITY COLUMN Material Mass (g) Volume (v) Density (m/v) Syrup
15 Dish Soap 20 Water 25 Oil 10

16 What is density?

17 Density Notes Mass: The amount of matter in an object
Volume: The amount of space an object takes up. Density- A measure of how much matter is in a certain volume or space. Density= Mass/Volume Objects with a lower density will float.

18 SUMMARY Draw Conclusion: Order the following materials in order from the most dense to the least dense. Write your claim, evidence and reasoning. Evidence: cylinder (#1), data (#2).

19 Calculating Density Lab
Measurement Checks: What do we use to measure the volume of liquids? Beaker, Graduated Cylinder What do we use to measure the volume of a cube? Ruler: Length X Width X Height Measure in centimeters, not inches! Round to the nearest tenth (6.4 cm) Each small line between the centimeters represents a tenth

20 Calculating Density Lab:
Part #2, Write hypothesis before completing lab. Measure the mass of the cubes by using the electronic scales. Check them using the beaker of water by placing cubes in the water. Do not drop the heavy cubes. Try to place them in the bottom. Part #1 Measure the mass of the soda using the triple beam balance. Check your measurements with the electronic scale. Round to the nearest hundredth. When diet coke/coke lab is complete (including draw conclusion), raise hand for Ms. Hilgefort to check part #1.


22 Bellringer Copy down daily learning log & homework
Pg. #3: KWL: Earth Layers No homework Take out Calculating Density Lab

23 Calculating Density Lab:
Part #2, Write hypothesis before completing lab. Choose 3 objects Measure the mass of the cubes by using the electronic scales. Measure the volume by using a ruler. Density= Mass/Volume Round to the nearest hundredth when calculating density. Check them using the beaker of water by placing cubes in the water. Do not drop the heavy cubes. Place them in the bottom using your hands.

24 Coke vs. Diet Coke

25 Brainpop: Measuring Matter
What is density?

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