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Urban II

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2 40 50 10 20 30

3 40 50 Urban II 20 30

4 40 50 Urban II Third Crusade 30

5 40 50 Urban II Third Crusade Burghers

6 Guild 50 Urban II Third Crusade Burghers

7 Guild Three Field System Urban II Third Crusade Burghers

8 40 50 10 20 30

9 40 50 Henry II 20 30

10 40 50 Henry II Joan of Arc 30

11 40 50 Henry II Joan of Arc Avignon

12 Cannon Law 50 Henry II Joan of Arc Avignon

13 Cannon Law Long Bow Henry II Joan of Arc Avignon

14 40 50 10 20 30

15 40 50 Magna Carta 20 30

16 40 50 Magna Carta Lay Investiture 30

17 Western Schism or Great Schism
40 50 Magna Carta Lay Investiture Western Schism or Great Schism

18 Western Schism or Great Schism
Concordant of Worms 50 Magna Carta Lay Investiture Western Schism or Great Schism

19 Western Schism or Great Schism
Concordant of Worms Simony Magna Carta Lay Investiture Western Schism or Great Schism

20 40 50 10 20 30

21 40 50 Thomas Beckett 20 30

22 40 50 Thomas Beckett First Crusade 30

23 40 50 Thomas Beckett First Crusade William the Conqueror

24 50 Richard the Lion Heart Thomas Beckett First Crusade
William the Conqueror

25 Commercial Revolution
Richard the Lion Heart Commercial Revolution Thomas Beckett First Crusade William the Conqueror

26 40 50 10 20 30

27 40 50 Battle of Hastings 20 30

28 40 50 Battle of Hastings Henry II 30

29 40 50 Battle of Hastings Henry II Anti Semitism

30 Common Law 50 Battle of Hastings Henry II Anti Semitism

31 Common Law Urban VI Battle of Hastings Henry II Anti Semitism

32 40 50 10 20 30

33 40 50 Boniface VIII 20 30

34 40 50 Boniface VIII John Wycliffe 30

35 40 50 Boniface VIII John Wycliffe Hundred Year’s War

36 Black Death 50 Boniface VIII John Wycliffe Hundred Year’s War

37 Black Death 50 Boniface VIII John Wycliffe Hundred Year’s War

38 Black Death Philip IV Boniface VIII John Wycliffe Hundred Year’s War

39 40 50 10 20 30

40 40 50 Parliament 20 30

41 40 50 Parliament Thomas Beckett 30

42 40 50 Parliament Thomas Beckett Clement VII

43 1066 50 Parliament Thomas Beckett Clement VII

44 1066 Second Crusade Parliament Thomas Beckett Clement VII

45 40 50 10 20 30

46 40 50 Common Law 20 30

47 40 50 Common Law Long Bow 30

48 40 50 Common Law Long Bow Clement V

49 Saladin 50 Common Law Long Bow Clement V

50 Saladin First Crusade Common Law Long Bow Clement V

51 40 50 10 20 30

52 40 50 Simony 20 30

53 40 50 Simony Lay Investiture 30

54 40 50 Simony Lay Investiture Cannon Law

55 Parliament 50 Simony Lay Investiture Cannon Law

56 Parliament Joan of Arc Simony Lay Investiture Cannon Law

57 40 50 10 20 30

58 40 50 Battle of Hastings 20 30

59 40 50 Battle of Hastings Pope Urban II 30

60 40 50 Battle of Hastings Pope Urban II First Crusade

61 Saladin 50 Battle of Hastings Pope Urban II First Crusade

62 Saladin Henry II Battle of Hastings Pope Urban II First Crusade

63 40 50 10 20 30

64 40 50 Richard the Lion Heart 20 30

65 40 50 Richard the Lion Heart Anti-Semitism 30

66 40 50 Richard the Lion Heart Anti-Semitism Concordant of Worms

67 Common Law 50 Richard the Lion Heart Anti-Semitism Concordant of Worms

68 Common Law Clement V Richard the Lion Heart Anti-Semitism Concordant of Worms

69 40 50 10 20 30

70 40 50 Three Field System 20 30

71 40 50 Three Field System Burghers 30

72 40 50 Three Field System Burghers William the Conqueror

73 Common Law 50 Three Field System Burghers William the Conqueror

74 Common Law King Philip IV Three Field System Burghers William the Conqueror

75 40 50 10 20 30

76 40 50 First Crusade 20 30

77 40 50 First Crusade Guilds 30

78 40 50 First Crusade Guilds Avignon

79 Clement VII 50 First Crusade Guilds Avignon

80 Clement VII John Wycliffe First Crusade Guilds Avignon

81 40 50 10 20 30

82 40 50 Urban VI 20 30

83 40 50 Urban VI Urban II 30

84 40 50 Urban VI Urban II Gregory XI

85 Clement V 50 Urban VI Urban II Gregory XI

86 Clement V King Philip IV Urban VI Urban II Gregory XI

87 40 50 10 20 30

88 40 50 Long Bow 20 30

89 40 50 Long Bow Second Crusade 30

90 40 50 Long Bow Second Crusade Cannon Law

91 Black Death 50 Long Bow Second Crusade Cannon Law

92 Black Death Simony Long Bow Second Crusade Cannon Law

93 40 50 10 20 30

94 40 50 Martin V 20 30

95 40 50 Martin V Parliament 30

96 40 50 Martin V Parliament Magna Carta

97 Thomas Beckett 50 Martin V Parliament Magna Carta

98 Thomas Beckett Anti Semitism Martin V Parliament Magna Carta

99 40 50 10 20 30

100 40 50 Concordant of Worms 20 30

101 40 50 Concordant of Worms Clement VII 30

102 Western Schism or Great Schism
40 50 Concordant of Worms Clement VII Western Schism or Great Schism

103 Western Schism or Great Schism
First Crusade 50 Concordant of Worms Clement VII Western Schism or Great Schism

104 Western Schism or Great Schism
First Crusade 1066 Concordant of Worms Clement VII Western Schism or Great Schism

105 40 50 10 20 30

106 40 50 Simony 20 30

107 40 50 Simony The Battle of Hastings 30

108 40 50 Simony The Battle of Hastings Cannon Law

109 Three Field System 50 Simony The Battle of Hastings Cannon Law

110 Three Field System Burghers Simony The Battle of Hastings Cannon Law

111 40 50 10 20 30

112 40 50 William the Conqueror 20 30

113 40 50 William the Conqueror Battle of Hastings 30

114 40 50 William the Conqueror Battle of Hastings Parliament

115 50 King John Soft sword William the Conqueror Battle of Hastings

116 King John Soft sword 1066 William the Conqueror Battle of Hastings Parliament

117 40 50 10 20 30

118 40 50 Hundred Year’s War 20 30

119 40 50 Hundred Year’s War Joan of Arc 30

120 40 50 Hundred Year’s War Joan of Arc Long Bow

121 England 50 Hundred Year’s War Joan of Arc Long Bow

122 England France Hundred Year’s War Joan of Arc Long Bow

123 40 50 10 20 30

124 40 50 Avignon 20 30

125 40 50 Avignon Cannon Law 30

126 40 50 Avignon Cannon Law Richard Lion Heart

127 Saladin 50 Avignon Cannon Law Richard Lion Heart

128 Saladin Third Crusade Avignon Cannon Law Richard Lion Heart

129 40 50 10 20 30

130 40 50 Concordant of Worms 20 30

131 40 50 Concordant of Worms Lay Investiture 30

132 40 50 Concordant of Worms Lay Investiture Common Law

133 Henry II 50 Concordant of Worms Lay Investiture Common Law

134 Henry II Guild Concordant of Worms Lay Investiture Common Law

135 40 50 10 20 30

136 40 50 Simony 20 30

137 40 50 Simony Parliament 30

138 40 50 Simony Parliament Martin V

139 Joan of Arc 50 Simony Parliament Martin V

140 Joan of Arc Three Field System Simony Parliament Martin V

141 40 50 10 20 30

142 40 50 First Crusade 20 30

143 40 50 First Crusade Black Death 30

144 40 50 First Crusade Black Death King Philip IV

145 Henry II 50 First Crusade Black Death King Philip IV

146 Henry II Lay Investiture First Crusade Black Death King Philip IV

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