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SIRS and STARS: Now What?

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1 SIRS and STARS: Now What?
Rebecca Kinney & Stacey Platte, ACL Heather Flory, The SMP Resource Center Ginny Paulson, The SHIP Technical Assistance Center August 22, 2018

2 Agenda Send to SMP functionality STARS to SIRS scenarios Demonstration
Proprietary SHIP data systems and API STARS/SIRS data entry flowchart Key points Tips for STARS and SIRS access STARS to SIRS scenarios Demonstration Resources Q&A Stacey

3 Send to SMP Functionality
SMP-related data entered in STARS can be sent from STARS to SIRS using the “Send to SMP” feature Only for SHIPs and SMPs who co-train team members and partner on data entry Data entered into SIRS cannot be transferred to STARS – it’s a one-way transaction Rebecca This allows SHIPs to send data that applies to both SHIP and SMP work from STARS into SIRS.

4 Send to SMP Functionality
For data to be sent from STARS to SIRS, you must follow these steps in STARS: Answer “Yes” for the “Send to SMP” field Enter the SIRS eFile ID for the team member conducting the session For beneficiary contact forms, an SMP-related topic must also be selected For outreach forms, the “Type of Event” must be a presentation or a booth/exhibit Rebecca

5 Proprietary SHIP Data Systems and API
About 30 SHIPs have some type of proprietary data system These SHIPs can transfer data from their system directly into STARS Transfer requires an Application Programming Interface or API connection API is a process for transferring data in real time from a proprietary system to STARS Rebecca About 30 SHIPs have some type of proprietary system within their state and will transfer data from their system directly into STARS using what’s called an API connection or API feed. API stands for Application Programming Interface, and simply put, it’s a process of transferring data in real time from a proprietary system to STARS. When data is initially transferred to STARS using the API feed, the SMP-related data will flow from STARS into SIRS if the SMP-related fields are completed in the proprietary data system. Edits to data in the proprietary system do not flow to STARS or SIRS and must be made manually in both STARS and SIRS when applicable. As needed, additional SHIP data is entered manually in STARS and additional SMP data is entered manually in SIRS. For more API information, go the STARS Landing Page: and click the first link under “Need Help with STARS?” Tip: Review the “STARS and Proprietary Data Systems” subcategory and the “STARS Launch” job aid

6 Does your SHIP use a proprietary data system?
No STARS Enter team members manually in STARS. Enter all data manually in STARS. Use “Send to SMP” for SMP-related data. Make edits as needed directly in STARS. SIRS Enter team members manually in SIRS. Enter remaining SMP-related data and SMP-specific data manually in SIRS. Make edits as needed directly in SIRS. Yes Use the API feed to transfer data to STARS and then to SIRS. Enter remaining data manually in STARS. Rebecca The flowchart here provides an overview of how data is entered into STARS and SIRS, depending on whether or not your SHIP uses a proprietary data system and the API feed. If your SHIP uses a proprietary system in part of the state, follow the “Yes” side of the flowchart for the areas where a proprietary system is used, and follow the “No” side for the areas where a proprietary system is not used. If you aren’t sure if your SHIP uses a proprietary data system or enters all of your data manually, check with your SHIP director. * The question at the top is specific to SHIP, because when SHIPs and SMPs partner on data entry, the data flows from the SHIP proprietary data system through STARS, into SIRS, regardless of whether or not a proprietary data system is used by the SMP. ** In the 3rd column, where we say “Enter remaining data manually in STARS,” data that does not transfer to STARS using the API feed includes: team members, beneficiary additional sessions, additional team members (for group and media outreach), additional time spent using the “Activities” tab, and attachments to any of the forms. See the STARS training for details.

7 What all SHIP/SMPs who are partnering on data entry need to know…
Regardless of whether your SHIP/SMP is entering data manually or using API, all team member information must be entered manually in both STARS and SIRS, and edits to team member information and all other data must be made manually in both systems! Rebecca Note: If your SHIP uses a proprietary data system and the API feed, you may not need to know how to enter data using the data entry forms in STARS. However, depending on your role, you may still need to know how to edit data entry forms and enter team members and activities.

8 Entering co-trained team members in SIRS and STARS
Team members must be entered manually in STARS and SIRS They do not transfer from STARS to SIRS They do not transfer into STARS if using API The SIRS eFile ID must be entered in STARS after the team member is set up in SIRS in order to use the “Send to SMP” functionality Rebecca As mentioned earlier, team members do not transfer from STARS to SIRS and do not transfer into STARS if using the API feed. Team members who are co-trained in SHIP and SMP must be entered separately in STARS and SIRS, and the SIRS eFile ID must be entered in STARS after the team member is set up in SIRS. Tip: If your co-trained team members are already entered in STARS, review their profiles to confirm all SIRS eFile IDs have been entered accurately and the SMP box is checked. Here is the recommended process: (next slide). See the STARS to SIRS Tip Sheet

9 How to enter co-trained team members in SIRS and STARS
Enter the team members in SIRS See the SIRS Team Member Management Job Aid Access the team members’ SIRS eFile IDs See the SIRS System User Basics Job Aid Stacey Make note of each eFile ID as you go, OR after all TMs are entered in SIRS, use the Standard or Advanced Search to see a list of TMs and eFile IDs. A Standard search for all team members is shown here. The eFile IDs are listed on the right.

10 How to enter co-trained team members (continued)
Enter the team members in STARS, including checking the SMP box for “Program” and entering the SIRS eFile ID See the STARS Team Members Job Aid Stacey For each co-trained team member, include the SIRS eFile ID and ensure that the “SMP” box is checked. Tip: Team members who are tasked with entering SMP data, regardless of whether or not they conduct SMP work, will need the SMP box checked on their profile. Enter SIRS eFile ID here

11 Send to SMP: Key points When using the “Send to SMP” functionality, you’ll still need to login to SIRS to complete some actions, including: Tracking time spent by additional SMP team members Completing complex interactions Entering data that is only SMP-related (and not SHIP-related) Stacey When using the “Send to SMP” functionality, beneficiary contacts/individual interactions, group outreach and education, and media outreach and education don’t need to be re-entered or completed in SIRS, except: When additional team members are entered in STARS for the same group outreach or media outreach effort, time spent by those additional team members does not transfer from STARS to SIRS. Time spent by additional team members who were performing both SHIP and SMP work must be entered separately in SIRS using the Activity form. SMP complex interactions must be completed in SIRS if they started as a beneficiary contact form in STARS in order to fill in additional details, attach supporting documentation, and/or refer the case to the OIG via ACL. Any individual interactions, group outreach and education, or media outreach and education that are SMP-specific and do not have a SHIP component must be entered directly in SIRS (and are not entered in STARS).

12 Send to SMP: Key points Information from the STARS Activity tab does not transfer from STARS to SIRS at this time Time spent on other activities must be entered separately in STARS and SIRS using the Activity tab/form in both systems Stacey See the Quick Reference Guide in the STARS to SIRS Tip Sheet for details

13 Send to SMP: Key points If information needs to be edited after it is entered in STARS and sent to SIRS, it must be edited in both SIRS and STARS, including: Beneficiary contacts/individual interactions Group and media outreach/education Reports and advanced searches are accessed separately in STARS and SIRS Reports are accessed in SIRS from the “Reports” menu and in STARS from the “Configuration” menu Stacey

14 Tips for STARS and SIRS Access
If you have access to both SIRS and STARS: Confirm that your SIRS eFile ID is entered correctly in STARS. If not, contact your director. You’ll have two separate usernames and passwords, one for each system. At least one of these names will have a number in it If you forget your username, you won’t be able to use the “forgot username” feature unless you have a separate address for each account. Instead, you’ll need to contact Booz Allen for help. Stacey If you have the same name as someone else with access to SIRS or STARS, you may have a number in both usernames. Keep track of which username and password to use for each system, since this will not be obvious by looking at your username!

15 STARS to SIRS Scenarios
Scenario 1: A SHIP/SMP counseling session (SMP basic interaction) Enter in STARS, using the “Send to SMP” functionality. The data you entered will go to SIRS, and you’re done! Scenario 2: A SHIP/SMP counseling session with a suspected error (SMP complex interaction) Enter in STARS, using the “Send to SMP” functionality The information you entered will go to SIRS, but you’re not done… Find the case in SIRS and finish entering it there Tip: Search using the reference number populated in STARS Ginny and Heather Let’s talk through a few scenarios. We’ll also show you these scenarios later in the demo.

16 STARS to SIRS Scenarios
Scenario 3: A SHIP/SMP presentation with 2 team members Enter the presentation in STARS, using the “Send to SMP” functionality Enter the time spent by the first person in the GOE form Enter the time spent by the second person using the Additional Team Members tab on the GOE form The information you entered will go to SIRS, but you’re not done… The time spent by the first person will carry over from STARS Enter the time spent by the second person in SIRS using the Activity Form Ginny and Heather

17 STARS to SIRS Scenarios
Scenario 4: Editing a counseling session in STARS and SIRS – data entry error While reviewing your SHIP’s data in STARS, you noticed that someone from your SHIP entered a SHIP/SMP session in STARS using the “Send to SMP” functionality, and accidentally selected themselves as the conducting user when it was actually conducted by another team member Correct the data entry error in both STARS and SIRS! Update STARS with the correct conducting user Also update SIRS with the correct conducting user Ginny and Heather Here’s one more scenario…

18 STARS to SIRS Demonstration
Scenario 1: A SHIP/SMP counseling session (SMP basic interaction) Scenario 2: A SHIP/SMP counseling session with a suspected error (SMP complex interaction) Scenario 3: A SHIP/SMP presentation with 2 people helping Scenario 4: Editing a counseling session in STARS and SIRS – data entry error Bonus: Tips on how STARS and SIRS are different Ginny and Heather Here are a few tips to confirm whether you are logged into SIRS vs. STARS: Some users can simply view the user role in the upper right corner – e.g. “SHIP director” in STARS vs. “SMP director” in SIRS, and “State Staff” in STARS vs. “State-level staff” in SIRS. (However, the roles of “Team Member,” “Site Staff,” and “Site Manager” appear the same in both STARS and SIRS.) If the term “beneficiary contacts” appears on the Home page or Tracking Inbox, you’re in STARS (they’re called “individual interactions” in SIRS). If the term “SHIP team member” appears on the Home page or Tracking Inbox, you’re in STARS (it’s just “team member” in SIRS).

19 STARS and SIRS resources and training
STARS to SIRS Tip Sheet For SHIPs and SMPs who are co-training their team members and partnering on data entry Quick Reference Guide on pages 5-10 provides a guide to entering, editing, and reviewing data in STARS and SIRS STARS training and resources See the first link under “Need Help with STARS?” on the STARS Landing Page: SIRS training and resources Search the SMP Resource Library for keyword “SIRS”: Ginny and Heather

20 STARS Technical Assistance
For STARS technical assistance, contact the STARS help desk at Booz Allen Hamilton: or For questions about job aids and other STARS support resources, contact the SHIP TA Center or Ginny and Heather

21 SIRS Technical Assistance
For help using SIRS, contact Sara Lauer at the SMP Resource Center or For SIRS technical issues and password reset assistance, contact the SIRS help desk at Booz Allen Hamilton or (703) Ginny and Heather


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