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Community Service.

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1 Community Service

2 Brainstorm with your elbow partner
What do you think of community service? 4 -5 reasons why participating in community service is important

3 AGENDA Introductory activity Video Lesson Discussion Reflection

4 Watch the following video

5 Hadith The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“Whosoever removes a difficulty from a believer, Allah will remove from him a difficulty on the Day of Judgment. Whosoever comforts a destitute person, Allah will comfort him in this world and the next. Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the next. Allah will aid a servant (of His) so long as the servant aids his brother.”[Muslim] And he also said: “The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.”[Daraqutni, Hasan]

6 These are just two examples of the hundreds of ahadith that directly cite the virtues of community service. Allah (swt) promises the Muslim Ummah that if we follow the teachings of Islam, we will reap the rewards in this life and the next. Community service is one of the essential ways that Islam accomplishes this goal. When we do good in our communities, we receive rewards in the next life, but we also directly improve the lives of our brothers and sisters by Allah’s will.

7 Community Service: Examples of Community service include:
Service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her local, state, national, or global Community. Examples of Community service include: Cleaning a park Collecting much needed items including clothes, shoes, bottle tabs, bottle cans, etc. Reading to older people in nursing homes Helping out your local fire or police department

8 Importance Recognized by:
Major Religions Hinduism Buddhism Islam Judaism Christianity

9 Importance Recognized by:
Major Religions Government

10 Volunteer work presents a great opportunity for teenagers to prepare for the future, as well as to improve their communities. In addition to boosting socializing skills and awareness of local organizations and social issues, high school students who volunteer often may have an advantage over their peers when headed off to college.

11 Reasons Gaining new skills Add to resume
With each new volunteer activity comes training. These skills may seem basic or trivial at the time of training, but may also provide building blocks for future success. If a teen's pre-college resume is limited to summer employment at the local pizza place and basic computer skills, it might be time to add a few lines.

12 Reasons Giving time Showing responsibility
Just like going to a job, committing to a volunteer position shows responsibility. Teens working on becoming more reliable should get involved in volunteer programs relating to their hobbies to naturally build responsibility. One of the most selfless acts anyone can do is donate their time and talents. you will feel good about yourself when you see the smiles on the faces of people you help. Just a few hours of your time can change the life of someone in need.

13 Reasons Earning credit
Some volunteer opportunities can translate to high school or college credits. Students who do an extended amount of documented volunteer hours can earn easy admission to the university.

14 Who Does Service? What Kind?

15 Who Does Service? What Kind?
Canadian Common Activities Coach, referee, tutor, teach or mentor Fundraise or sell items to raise money Collect, prepare, distribute or serve food

16 Who Does Service? What Kind?

17 Who Does Service? What Kind?
Involvement by State Individuals

18 To Whom? The public Non-profits

19 The Public Non-Profits Encourage service programs (schools etc.)
Motivate individuals Non-Profits Perform functions better Recruiting volunteers

20 Some services: Call your local masjid and find out what projects already exist. Call the local school and ask if they need regular volunteers to work as teacher aids, librarians, etc. (they do) Visit sick people in their homes and the hospital.   Find names of the elderly in the community that don’t have family and visit them, making sure they’re taken care of.

21 Continued…       Start a charity drive to collect any need in your community (school supplies, food, household items, etc). Start a class, or halaqah. Teach Quran using your tajweed skills to educate your brothers and sisters in proper pronunciation of the quran. Invite new Muslims to your home and teach them to pray, wear hijab, and recite small surahs

22 Questions to Ask Yourself
What are my skills? What are my logistical requirements? -remember to mention what time you really have to commit and how often What duration works for me? What is my style?-Are you an instant gratification person, or does delay work?

23 Continued… What do I believe in?
What type of non-profit am best suits me?- Health Awareness, Social Awareness Services

24 Personal experience Describe what you have learned about yourself as a result of your service. What have you learned about your community? What values, opinions, beliefs have changed? What was the most important lesson learned? What impact did you have on the community?

25 Reflection Write an exit note on a ½ sheet of paper List
3 reasons why a teenager should volunteer 3 opportunities/events or places that you will

26 Make A Difference Today! Be Involved!

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