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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.F.W.S.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.F.W.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S.F.W.S.
Part of the U. S. government that keeps track of and protects wildlife

2 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Plants that live below the water’s surface

3 Bay grasses-another name for SAV

4 Critical component – a part of something that is very important

5 Estuarine(Estuary) – a body of water where fresh and salt water mix

6 Ecosystem-a place where living and non-living things interact

7 Habitat-the place where a something lives

8 Pollutants-chemicals or other substances that harm the environment

9 Species – a single type of living thing

10 Nutrient – chemicals like fertilizer that help plants grow

11 Riprap- rocks placed against a shoreline to prevent erosion

12 Watershed – area of land connected to a body of water

13 Anadromous- fish that hatch in fresh water, live in salt water and then lay their in eggs in fresh water

14 Waterfowl-birds that live near water

15 Invertebrates-animal species that do not have skeletons in their bodies

16 Zooplankton-tiny animals that live in the water

17 Tubers-underground parts that plants use to store food energy

18 Widgeon grass, redhead grass and horned pondweed – three different species of SAV

19 Canary in a coal mine- something used to tell if an environment is safe and healthy

20 Indicator – something that tells you how clean the water is

21 Restoration-to return something to the way it used to be

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