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Higher Education & Funding

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Education & Funding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Education & Funding
Sanghee Park

2 Agenda Importance of Higher Education
US Department of Education Federal Aid Programs (page 182) Federal , State, or Local Education/Training Programs and Options (page 183) Conclusion/Key Points

3 Importance of Higher Education

4 Funding Options for Higher Education

5 US Department of Education Federal Aid Programs
Federal Student Aid Program Grants Work-Study Loans Eligibility

6 US Department of Education Federal Aid Programs
Veteran Benefits Veterans Upward Bound Program Forever GI Bill Program

7 US Department of Education Federal Aid Programs
Resources View Page 182 and Page 183.

8 Federal , State, or Local Education/Training Programs and Options
Visit the Base Education Office Learn about the difference undergraduate, graduate, or certificate programs there are and options through military programs such as: College-level testing Professional military education Veteran’s benefits Tuition assistance Financial aid Deferments Distance learning

9 Key Points: Education pays more $ Funding Options for Higher Education
Lots of resources to help get your degree

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