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How did life change for women ?

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Presentation on theme: "How did life change for women ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did life change for women 1939-75?
Lesson Aim: To make some good revision. TASK: Look at the source, what is the message? Does this show a change in attitude to women? Caption says ‘Don’t worry, I’m only taking what is legally mine!’

2 Brief women re-cap….

3 Women Spider diagram…. Highlight your section, you’re looking for 4/5 bits of specific evidence – look at my example. Fill in your section. Talk to everyone to complete your entire section. Discuss as a class. A3 spider diagram on all key topics for women.

4 Write the Q: Are your surprised by this source?

5 Write the Q: Why was this source (An advertisement published by the government in 1954) published in 1954?


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