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November 28-December 2 TKMB/Research.

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1 November 28-December 2 TKMB/Research

2 Think about the origin of the stereotype!
Do Now #1: Come up with as many unfair stereotypes and opinions about others as you can (you can list these out) and explain in detail why you believe they are unfair. Think about stereotypes based on race, gender, weight, ethnicity and religion (Please be appropriate and respectful or we will have to call home and read the answer to your parent/guardian) Think about the origin of the stereotype!

3 Agenda Vocabulary (New+ sentences) Read Chapter 5/6 TKMB
Cartoon of the chapter Mini Character poster assignment (pairs or individual) Research paper/project time in-class Homework: Vocab sentences/pictures 12/1-12/2 Mini Character Poster 12/7-12/8 Research paper 12/5-12/6 Research presentation (see signup sheet) Agenda

4 Homework: Sentences and pictures 12/1-12/2
Vocabulary #8: 10 New Words/COPY THESE DOWN Aloof- (adverb) at a distance, especially in feeling or interest; apart Pestilence- (noun) a deadly or virulent epidemic or disease Prongs- (noun) any pointed, projecting part, as of an antler. Pulpit- (noun) a platform or raised structure in a church, from which the sermon is delivered or the service is conducted. Peril- (noun) exposure to injury, loss, or destruction; grave risk; jeopardy; danger: Incomprehensible- (adjective) impossible to understand Scuttled- (verb) to run with quick/hasty steps Reeled- (verb) to sway or rock under a blow, shock, etc.: The boxer reeled and fell. Disposition- (noun) mood; characteristic attitude: a girl with a pleasant disposition. Cross examination- (verb) to examine (a witness called by the opposing side), as for the purpose of discrediting the witness's testimony. Homework: Sentences and pictures 12/1-12/2

5 Comic Strip

6 In your reader’s circles (no more than 4) you will be creating a comic strip of the events from a chapter we have read of your choice. You need at least six boxes. Each box must contain a quote that matches the action. The quote must be properly cited, (author’s last name, page #). The comic must depict the entire chapter from start to finish. Feel free to use colored pencils! Go!!!

7 Try to be as specific as possible!
Do Now #2: Create a summary of the novel’s events. What has happened so far? What themes have been developing? What predictions can you make? Try to be as specific as possible!

8 Agenda Do Now Vocab (1,3,5) Read through Chapter 7 (TKMB)
Cartoon Comic Strip (1,3,5) Mini Character Poster Assignment Tomorrow: Vocab is due! Bring flash-drives/resources for computer lab! Agenda

9 Do Now #3: Describe a time in your life when you have faced discrimination. Either heard about it from a friend, or experienced it yourself. Please be descriptive!

10 Agenda Check Vocab Homework MLA format Review Read TKMB Chapter 8
Computer Lab REMINDER: Papers and projects are due 12/5-12/6 (See sign up sheet for project) Vocab Quiz next week! Agenda

The following is an example of how to format your bibliography/works cited page. All entries should be alphabetized by author’s last name. If there is no author to alphabetize, use the name of the editor. If there is no editor, alphabetize by ARTICLE/PAGE TITLE or WEBSITE TITLE. You must have all periods, commas, quotation marks, etc… EXACTLY as they appear. Works Cited

12 For a Book: Last name, First name. Title of Book underlined
For a Book: Last name, First name. Title of Book underlined. City: Publisher, date. EX: Beck, Barbara. The Aztecs. New York: Watts, 1983. For an Internet article or Website with an author: Last name, First name. “Title of Page in quotes.” Title of Site underlined. Date of access. <URL address>. EX: Sanchez, Laura. “History of Long Beach.” City of Long Beach. 2 February 2003. < Examples

13 For an Internet article or Website with no author: “Title of Page in quotes.” Title of Site underlined. Date of access. <URL address>. EX: “Hades.” Wikipedia. 8 February 2008. < More examples

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