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DCAL Stats Workshop Bodo Winter.

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Presentation on theme: "DCAL Stats Workshop Bodo Winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 DCAL Stats Workshop Bodo Winter

2 Plan for today Generalized linear models Smileys Mixed models
Homework Q & A Model selection Handout Extensive Q & A Interaction theory “Showreel”

3 Your smileys! Jana Willer-Gold

4 Your smileys! Sannah Gulamani

5 Your smileys! Victoria Mousley

6 Your smileys! Lindsay Ferrara

7 Your smileys! Nicholas Barrie Palfreyman

8 Heidi’s smiley ;-) m <-(x^2)/20 plot(x,m,col="red") points(0,10,col="pink",) points(-7,17,col="brown",) points(7,17,col="brown",)

9 An easy fix: xlab = ‘’ & ylab = ‘’

10 Plan for today Smileys Homework Q & A Handout Interaction theory

11 Plan for today Smileys Homework Q & A Handout Interaction theory

12 Plan for today Smileys Homework Q & A Handout Interaction theory


14 Plan for today Smileys Homework Q & A Handout Interaction theory

15 Mixing continuous and categorical predictors

16 Mixing continuous and categorical predictors

17 No interaction RT ~ Noise + Gender

18 RT ~ Noise + Gender + Noise:Gender
With interaction RT ~ Noise + Gender + Noise:Gender RT ~ Noise * Gender

19 Mixing continuous and categorical predictors with interaction term
“non-parallel lines” conditioning one predictor on another ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’

20 With interaction can be thought of a slope adjustment term
RT ~ Noise + Gender + Noise:Gender RT ~ Noise * Gender

21 Continuous * categorical interaction output example
lm(RT ~ gender * noise, data = mydata) (...) Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) genderM noise genderM:noise -6 intercept: all other predictors = 0 = RT of women for a noise of 0

22 Continuous * categorical interaction output example
lm(RT ~ gender * noise, data = mydata) (...) Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) genderM noise genderM:noise -6 female-male difference for noise = 0

23 Continuous * categorical interaction output example
lm(RT ~ gender * noise, data = mydata) (...) Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) genderM noise genderM:noise -6 noise slope for women only

24 Continuous * categorical interaction output example
lm(RT ~ gender * noise, data = mydata) (...) Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) genderM noise genderM:noise -6 adjustment of noise slope for men

25 Continuous * categorical interaction output example
lm(RT ~ gender * noise, data = mydata) (...) Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) genderM noise genderM:noise -6 because these variables are conditioned on each other, they cannot be interpreted independently anymore

26 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun verb

27 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun verb

28 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

29 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

30 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

31 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

32 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

33 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

34 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 0.5 verb

35 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 sensory abstract noun 1.7 0.5 verb 2.9 1.5

36 Categorical * categorical interaction
N versus V Yes versus No lm(iconicity ~ part-of-speech * sensory_word, data = mydata) Estimate (Intercept) 0.5 part-of-speechV 1.0 sensoryYes 1.2 sensoryYes:part-of-speechV 0.2 beware of conditioning!

37 Continuous * continuous interaction
No interaction Interaction

38 Sign of the interaction: examples
Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) 10 A +1 B +1 A:B -1 Coefficients: Estimate (Intercept) 10 A B A:B

39 Exercise Linear model with interaction term

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