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CSE Deterrent Event 15th March 2017

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1 CSE Deterrent Event 15th March 2017
ACC Jonathan Drake 04/12/2018 1

2 Crime Is Changing Across UK Reduction in acquisitive crime
Increase in reporting of abuse cases since 2012 (Saville) Increase in reporting of sexual crime against children in 2015 Children under 10 years Last 10 years has seen 36% reduction in acquisitive crime 88% increase in reporting of abuse cases since 2012 (Saville) 33% increase in reporting of sexual crime against children in 2015 45,456 child sex offences reported to Police in 2015 (NSPCC) = 124 per day. 23% of total offences relate to children under 10 years Despite more people reporting CSE and historic abuse this is still the tip of the iceberg.

3 On-Line Threat Reports of online CSE from industry to the NCA
Reports of CSE from public to NCA each month Recovery of devices Images that need to be assessed The average number of reports of online CSE from industry to the NCA each month has increased from an average of 2269 per month in 2015 to an average of 3545 per month in 2016 NCA receives public reports each month as well as thousands of lines of enquiry from other law enforcement agencies each year. It is expected that this upward trend will continue. Average of 11 devices recovered per warrant executed An average ‘indecent images of children’ warrant recovers 160K images to view and assess for illegal images. Internet Watch Foundation (an independent not-for-profit organisation that works to remove CSA imagery from internet) reported a 417% increase in reports of CSA imagery in the two years

4 Policing Response In Wales Protecting Vulnerable Persons Uplift
Operation Netsafe Creation of POLIT Uplift – Significant investment in safeguarding. 149 additional staff in dedicated roles including CSE in South Wales alone. Netsafe – All Wales branded campaign to highlight increased Police enforcement activity. Promote Wales as high risk location for offenders. Get help before you are caught. Launched in November and triggered huge increase in those accessing self help material on LFF website. WRU engagement with current Welsh team player interviews supporting campaign and publicity at last Friday’s game against Ireland. POLIT – Each Force in Wales has dedicated Police On-line Investigation Team to follow up referrals from public, other enforcement/intelligence agencies, partners. This means some 40 dedicated staff across Wales specifically targeting those who view and exchange images. Use of advance triage systems to assess devices quickly at scene. Child safeguarding considered with local BCU staff. Suicide prevention considerations included. Staff welfare support mechanisms.

5 Case Studies Case Study 1
Internet monitoring system alert ref peer to peer sharing of IIOC Family address of local doctor identified Warrant executed. During search he indicated he was responsible Forensic examination could not be completed during custody Safeguarding – Conditional bail and employer notified (suspended) Case Study 2 CEOP referral – uploading via Yahoo 47 year old Train Driver suspect. 4 daughters aged 7 – 14 Using Kik messaging platform to pretend to be 15 year old girl on-line 26,000 messages to be assessed Identification of those with whom speaking and exchanging images Safeguarding – Conditional bail (no unsupervised access to under 18’s), employer notified (resigned).

6 Chief Constable Simon Bailey, National Police Chief’s Council lead for Child Protection, March 2017
“The scale of child sexual abuse means we cannot solely prosecute our way out” CC Bailey made the comments earlier this month which were widely reported in media. He invited debate around alternatives to prosecution for those who pose a low risk of contact offending. He added “The police service is dealing with an unprecedented volume of reports of child sexual abuse ‐ non‐recent abuse, ongoing abuse, online abuse and peer‐to‐peer abuse. The numbers are continuing to rise. The police service has responded to the threat but it has now reached that point whereby we have to try and turn the tide”

7 Outcomes at Court & Use of Conditional Caution Academic Research
Future Outcomes at Court & Use of Conditional Caution Academic Research Training Identifying Hidden risk Early intervention – Adverse Childhood Experiences Missing/Looked After Children Technology Arms Race Outcome at Court - A large proportion of IIOC outcomes in 2015 were community sentences (42%) The average custodial sentence length was 18.3 months Use of Conditional Caution - Invite the debate around appropriate use of conditional caution for those who pose low risk of contact offences. Will force perpetrators to pay for and participate in rehabilitation programmes with an organisation like the Lucy Faithful Foundation without compromise to safeguards such as registration as a sex offender Academic Research – joint innovative research between Police and academia to better tackle CSE. Can bid to access Police transformation fund Training – Increased awareness training to Police, Professionals & service providers (taxis, hotels etc) Hidden risk – ensuring staff are professionally curious and empowered to ask difficult questions. Link to training and cultural change. Early intervention – Adverse Childhood Experiences joint project to identify those children who may be exposed to adverse experiences including CSE, alcohol and drug misuse, domestic violence, and crime in order to break the generational cycle of criminality. Missing/Looked After Children – LAC who go missing often display risky behaviour and are in clear danger of exploitation by others including CSE. Lots of work ongoing with Welsh Government and CSSIW to better safeguard these children in particular better joint working between care service providers and Police in respect of out of County placements Technology Arms Race – monitoring of new social media/data sharing apps being launched and assessment for potential CSE exploitation, use of Dark Web and encryption by perpetrators all provide continual challenges that require an equally innovative policing response. Children not safe in their own bedrooms. No room for complacency.

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