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Monday 1/23/17 Copy this week’s schedule into your assignment notebook. Notebook Entry: Write down the things in the list to the right that you think.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 1/23/17 Copy this week’s schedule into your assignment notebook. Notebook Entry: Write down the things in the list to the right that you think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 1/23/17 Copy this week’s schedule into your assignment notebook. Notebook Entry: Write down the things in the list to the right that you think are rocks. Explain why you chose these things from the list. Cement block Concrete Dried mud Coal Hardened lava Brick Glass Marble statue Piece of clay pot Granite Iron Ore Limestone

2 What is a rock Coal, hardened lava, limestone, iron ore, marble statue, and granite Definition: the solid mineral material that forms part of the surface of the earth

3 3 Main Types of Rocks Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

4 How do we tell the rock types apart?
The minerals that are in the rock About 20 minerals make up most of the rock in Earth’s crust The color of the rock Gives clues to the types of minerals The texture of the rock Grains = the particles that make up rock Size, shape and pattern


6 How do Rocks Compare? Rocks are usually studied by observing their color and texture Texture refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of the minerals in the rock. Observe the two rocks in the pie plate and make detailed observations of their features in your spiral. In a table like the one below: Granite Standstone Sketch a detailed picture Describe the color Describe the texture

7 How do you think the granite formed?
Exit Ticket How do you think the granite formed? How do you think the sandstone formed?

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