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a person, place, thing, or idea

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Presentation on theme: "a person, place, thing, or idea"— Presentation transcript:

1 a person, place, thing, or idea
Noun a person, place, thing, or idea

2 (Only write 2 examples) Persons: Jesse Owens, student, Dr. Yu Places: city, Earl Warren Middle School, kitchen, Grand Canyon Things: lamp, rocks, Golden Gate Bridge Ideas: happiness, self-control, success, wealth, honesty, friendship

3 Compound Noun …two or more nouns that are joined by a conjunction (and, or, but) and have the same action (verb). Ex: Nathan and Michael played well in the game. Mom and dad vacuumed the floor and washed the dishes.

4 Common and Proper Nouns
Common: girl, language, monument, religion Proper: Jenny Oehler, Arabic, Eiffel Tower, Buddhism *Notice that the proper nouns are capitalized.

5 Verbs Ex: We celebrated Chinese New Year.
…a word that expresses action or a state of being. Ex: We celebrated Chinese New Year. The holiday is usually in February.

6 Action Verbs …expresses either a physical or mental activity.
Ex: The owls hooted all night. (physical) I believe you. (mental action)

7 Ex: I am happy to be a teacher.
Linking Verbs links the subject to a word or group of words that describes the subject Can be a state of being verb (was, is, am…) Ex: I am happy to be a teacher. Amy looked pale.

8 Forms of the Verb to “Be”
am were will be can be is has been shall be should be are have been may be would have been was had been might be

9 Helping Verbs …helps the main verb express action or state of being.
Examples: Kansas has been named the Sunflower state. The packages were sent to 401 Main Street.

10 Compound Verbs …two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction (and, or, but) and have the same subject. Ex: The team played well but lost the game anyway. Nathan vacuumed the floor and washed the dishes.

11 verb phrases Definition: The verb phrase consist of the main verb and one or more helping verbs.

12 verb phrases A main verb can stand by itself as the simple predicate of the sentence. Example: Many different people lived in the American colonies.

13 verb phrases Helping verbs help the main verb express action or time.
Example: Ships from England would bring supplies to the settlers.

14 verb phrases Common Helping Verbs: Forms of be
is, am, was, are, were, be, been Forms of do do, does, did Forms of have has, have, had Others may, might, can, should, could, would, shall, will

15 Tips for finding the verb phrase:
verb phrases Tips for finding the verb phrase: Identify the main verb Look at the words before the m. verb and ask yourself do these words help establish the action or the time of the verb?

16 Subject & Predicate Subject & Predicate Subject
Simple subject: The main word or words (Nouns) the sentence is about. Complete subject: The complete subject is made up of all the words that tell who or what the sentence is about. Example: Complete Subject The beautiful girl/ competed in the pageant. Simple subject: girl Complete subject: The beautiful girl

17 Subject & Predicate Predicate
Simple predicate: The main verb or verbs that show what the subject is doing. Complete predicate: The complete predicate includes the verb and all the words that tell what happened in the sentence. Example: Complete predicate The beautiful girl/ competed in the pageant. Simple predicate: competed Complete predicate: competed in the pageant

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