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Willem Visser Corina Pasareanu and Radek Pelanek

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1 Going from Concrete to Symbolic Model Checking via Predicate Abstraction
Willem Visser Corina Pasareanu and Radek Pelanek Automated Software Engineering Group NASA Ames Research Center

2 Overview Abstraction Lightweight framework for testing
Classic over-approximation based Counter-example based refinement Under-approximation based Refinement based on abstraction’s exactness Lightweight framework for testing Test generation environment built around JPF with symbolic execution Measure predicate coverage Evaluate against other test-case generation methods Java Container classes

3 Predicate Abstraction
1: x = 2; 2: while (x>0) 3: x = x - 1; 4: assert false; Abstraction Mapping p = (x>0) 1: p = T; 2: while (p) 3: p = !p ? F : T | F;

4 Abstraction Mapping For a,a’ in 2{preds}: if wp(a’,T) /\ a add transition a → a’ may transition must transition a a’ T wp(a’,T) a → a’ a’ T wp(a’,T) a a → a’

5 Example Abstraction 1: p = T; 1: x = 2; 2: while (p) 2: while (x>0)
3: x = x - 1; 4: assert false; Abstraction Mapping p = (x>0) 1: p = T; 2: while (p) 3: p = !p ? F : T | F; {x – 1 > 0} x = x – 1 {p} {x – 1 <= 0} x = x – 1 {!p} wp(!p,x=x-1) /\ p add p → !p wp(p,x=x-1) /\ p add p → p wp(!p,x=x-1) /\ !p add !p → !p wp(p,x=x-1) /\ !p !p → wp(!p,x=x-1) !p→ !p is must trans

6 Infeasible Counter Example
Refinement 1: p = T; 2: while (p) 3: p = !p ? F : T | F; 4: assert false; Infeasible Counter Example 1,2,3(F),2,4 1: x=2 {x>0}; 2: x=2 {x>0}; 3: x=1 {x<=0} {x > 1} x = x -1 {x > 0} may must X>0 X<=0 X>0 X>1 X<=1 X>0 X<=1 X<=0

7 Let’s Go Outside the Box
Rather than over-approximate and refine, we under-approximate and refine Clearly complements existing techniques If we restrict ourselves only to feasible behaviors when under-approximating then all safety property violations will be preserved Build on top of classic explicit-state model checking infrastructure

8 Classic Explicit-State Search
PROCEDURE dfs() { s = top(Stack); FOR all transitions t enabled in s DO s' = successor(s) after executing t; IF s' NOT IN VisitedStates THEN Enter s' into VisitedStates; Push s' onto Stack; dfs(); END END; Pop s from Stack; } INIT { Enter s0 into VisitedStates; Push s0 onto Stack;

9 Explicit-State (1-step) αSearch
PROCEDURE dfs() { s = top(Stack); FOR all transitions t enabled in s DO s' = successor(s) after executing t; IF α(s‘) NOT IN VisitedStates THEN Enter α(s‘) into VisitedStates; Push s' onto Stack; dfs(); END END; Pop s from Stack; } INIT { Enter α(s0) into VisitedStates; Push s0 onto Stack;

10 αSearch Map concrete states to abstract states for state storing
1: x = 2; 2: while (x>0) 3: x = x - 1; 4: assert false; 1,p 2,p 3,p Abstraction Mapping p = (x>0) Under-approximation of the behaviors Always traverse only feasible paths

11 Concrete, May & Must May Transitions p = (x < 2)
D,1 D,0 E,1 E,2 B,1 C,0 A,p D,p E,p E,!p B,p C,p May Transitions p = (x < 2) A,p D,p B,p C,p Must Transitions p = (x < 2) Concrete

12 Concrete & αSearch Abstraction Search p = (x<2)
A,p A,0 D,1 D,0 E,1 E,2 B,1 C,0 A,0 B,p C,p B,1 C,0 Abstraction Search p = (x<2) D,p D,1 D,0 Transition not “exact” E,!p E,2

13 Refinement & αSearch A,0 D,1 D,0 E,1 E,2 B,1 C,0 A,p,q A,p,!q A,!p,!q
After Refinement Step p = (x<2); q = x < 1 D,1 D,0 E,2 E,1

14 Example 1: x = 2; 2: while (x>0) 3: x = x - 1; 4: assert false;
Abstraction Mapping p = (x>0)

15 Refinement Check if the induced abstract transition is a must transition? If not, add new predicates Only 1 DP call 1,p 2,p 3,p x = x – 1 {x – 1 > 0} wp(p,x=x-1) {x > 0} Add x > 1 to abstraction predicates and repeat search Globally for all transitions Locally only for the transition (location) it refines

16 Predicate Abstraction αSearch
Showing property holds Over-approximation based Counter-example driven refinement Expensive computation to calculate abstraction Finding defects Under-approximation based Abstraction driven refinement Trivial computation to calculate abstraction mapping

17 Issue αSearch tries to compute a
finite reachable bisimulation quotient this is only possible if a finite reachable bisimulation quotient exists unreachable reachable wp(p,T) T p if new predicates are infinitely required to refine the unreachable area the algorithm will not terminate

18 … Example x = 0; y = 0; while (y >= 0) y = x + y; y >= 0
p,q,r y >= 0 x+y >= 0 2x+y >= 0 p,q y >= 0 x+y >= 0 y >= 0 p The refinement only refines the unreachable state space!

19 Modified Bakery Search Order Matters!! while true { x = y; x = x + 1;
wait (x<=y); x = 0; } while true { y = x; y = y + 1; wait (y<x); y = 0; } 1st iteration 18 concrete states and 12 abstract x+1 <= y, x <= y+1 and y >= 0 2nd iteration 26 concrete state and 19 abstract x+2<=y, y>=1 and x <= 1 3rd iteration 44 concrete states and 32 abstract y <= 1, x <= 0 and y >= 2 4th iteration 48 concrete, 36 abstract BFS 1st iteration 14 concrete states and 20 abstract x+1 <= y, x <= y+1, y >= 0 and x <= 0 2nd iteration 29 concrete state and 21 abstract x+2<=y, y<= 0, x <= -1 and x <= 1 3rd iteration 45 concrete states and 33 abstract DFS Search Order Matters!!

20 Symbolic Execution and αSearch
Current implementation is for a simple input language oCaml using Simplify as a decision procedure We would like to integrate the technique in Java Pathfinder (JPF) that supports symbolic execution (using the Omega Library) To allow application to programs with complex data structures (objects)

21 From Concrete to Symbolic
X=1, Y = 0 X > Y Concrete Behavior Symbolic Behavior

22 Possible Approach Execute the concrete program on valid inputs
Collect all predicates in path condition Solve constraints over all combinations of these predicates Use results as inputs for step 1 When no new predicates are found, or, if an error is found, terminate

23 Example public static void method(int x, int y) {
method(1,1) + {true} public static void method(int x, int y) { if ((x > 0) && (y < 10)) { if (y < 5) { … } else { … } } else { if (x > 0) { … } else { … } } } x > 0 && y < 10 y < 5 end p1,!p2 → method(1,6) !p1,p2 → method(-1,1) !p1,!p2 → method(-1,6) Solve Constraints p1 = x > 0 && y < 10 p2 = y < 5 method(1,1) + {p1,p2}

24 Example (2) public static void method(int x, int y) {
method(1,6) + {p1,!p2} public static void method(int x, int y) { if ((x > 0) && (y < 10)) { if (y < 5) { … } else { … } } else { if (x > 0) { … } else { … } } } x > 0 && y < 10 y < 5 end p1 = x > 0 && y < 10 !p2 = y < 5 method(1,6) + {p1,!p2}

25 Example (4) public static void method(int x, int y) {
method(-1,1) + {!p1,p2} public static void method(int x, int y) { if ((x > 0) && (y < 10)) { if (y < 5) { … } else { … } } else { if (x > 0) { … } else { … } } } x > 0 && y < 10 x > 0 end !p1 = x > 0 && y < 10 !p3 = x > 0 Solve Constraints !p1,p3 → method(1,11) method(-1,1) + {!p1,p2,!p3}

26 Example (3) public static void method(int x, int y) {
method(1,11) + {!p1,p3} public static void method(int x, int y) { if ((x > 0) && (y < 10)) { if (y < 5) { … } else { … } } else { if (x > 0) { … } else { … } } } x > 0 && y < 10 x > 0 end !p1 = x > 0 && y < 10 p3 = y < 5 method(1,11) + {!p1,p3}

27 End of Part One Showed under-approximation based search with refinement Backward weakest precondition based Forward symbolic execution based Part Two Rather than automated refinement we use user-provided abstractions Motivation is to generate test-cases to achieve high behavioral coverage for Java container classes

28 Explicit-State (1-step) αSearch
PROCEDURE dfs() { s = top(Stack); FOR all transitions t enabled in s DO s' = successor(s) after executing t; IF α(s‘) NOT IN VisitedStates THEN Enter α(s‘) into VisitedStates; Push s' onto Stack; dfs(); END END; Pop s from Stack; } INIT { Enter α(s0) into VisitedStates; Push s0 onto Stack;

29 General Idea SUT ENV (m,n) API m is the seq. length of API calls … &
n is the number of values used in the parameters of the calls API put(v) del(v) Evaluate different techniques for selecting test-cases from ENV(m,n) to obtain maximum coverage

30 Predicate Coverage Cover all combinations of a given set of predicates
at each branch in the code Red-Black Tree Predicates root = null, e.left = null, e.right = null, e.parent = null, e.color = BLACK

31 Techniques Considered
Random selection Classic model checking State matching on complete state Abstraction search State matching on abstract (partial) state Symbolic Execution Complete matching using subsumption checks Abstract matching

32 minor instrumentation
Framework SUT with minor instrumentation ENV Coverage Manager Abstraction Mapping + State Storage TestListener JPF

33 Sample Output Test case number 77 for '15,L+R+P-REDroot':
Branch Number Predicate Values Unique ID for the test Test case number 77 for '15,L+R+P-REDroot': put(0);put(4);put(5);put(1);put(2);put(3);remove(4); Test-case to achieve above coverage Test case number 7 for '32,L-R-P+RED': X2(0) == X1(0) && X2(0) < X0(1) && X1(0) < X0(1) put(X0);put(X1);remove(X2); put(1);put(0);remove(0); Concrete Symbolic Path Condition with solutions Symbolic TC

34 Environment Skeleton M : sequence length N : parameter values
A : abstraction used for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { int x = Verify.random(N - 1); switch (Verify.random(1)) { case 0: put(x); break; case 1: remove(x); break; } } Verify.ignoreIf(checkAbstractState(A));

35 Symbolic Environment Skeleton
M : sequence length A : abstraction used for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { SymbolicInteger x = new SymbolicInteger(“X“+i); switch (Verify.random(1)) { case 0: put(x); break; case 1: remove(x); break; } } Verify.ignoreIf(checkAbstractState(A));

36 Abstraction Search Map state to an abstract version and backtrack if the abstract state was seen before, i.e. discard test-case Mapping can be lossy or not Abstraction mappings can be created by the user/tester Default abstraction mappings are provided

37 Default Mappings Structure of the heap of the program
e.g. structure of the containers Structure augmented with non-data fields Structure augmented with symbolic constraints on the data in the structure This requires checking constraint subsumption

38 Linearization Comparing Structures
1 1 2 5 2 5 3 4 3 4 1 1 2 2 5 3 4 3 4 5

39 Linearization + Mapping
1b 2b 3r r b -1 -1 1b 2r 3r r r -1 -1 1 1 2 5 2 5 3 4 3 4 Linearization takes a mapping object as parameter to indicate how each node in the heap should be linearized. In the example above each node gets, besides the unique identifier, a mapping of “r” if the original structure had a red node and “b” if the original structure had a black node in that position. If we also added the key values for each node the linearization might have looked something like: 1b6 2b4 3r r b

40 + Symbolic Execution Symbolic State x1 > x2 & x2 > x3 &
Symbolic Constraints Shape

41 + + Subsumption Checking If only it was this simple! x1 > x2 &

42 Getting Ready for Checking Existential Elimination
PC s1 < s2 & s4 > s3 & s4 < s1 & s4 < s5 & s7 < s2 & s7 > s1 + s4 x2 x5 s2 s3 x3 x4 s5  s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 such that x1 = s1 & x2 = s4 & x3 = s3 & x4 = s5 & x5 = s2 & PC x1 > x2 & x2 > x3 & x2 < x4 & x5 > x1

43 Bidirectional Subsumption Checking
If new => old backtrack If old => new new is more general than old replace old with new to increase chances of getting a match in the future Continue on path from new, i.e. don’t backtrack Ultimately for each shape we want to use disjunction of constraints Small technicality prevents us – bug in omega lib

44 Evaluation Red-Black Trees Out of Memory runs are not reported
Breadth-first Search unless stated Sequence Length = Values for the non-symbolic searches First compare under Branch Coverage

45 Exhaustive Techniques Branch Coverage
Seq Cov Len Time Mem Full MC 7 39 4.3 536 584 S+C+V 10.635 17.47 Sym – S+Sub 14.201 16.95 Optimal Branch Coverage is 39

46 Under-Approximation Techniques Branch Coverage
Seq Cov Len Time Mem S 21 39 6.1 57.353 72.07 S+C 18 5.8 32.577 21.16 Sym - S 7 4.3 10.054 15.43 Sym – S+C 11.998 10.76 Random 9 40.429 3.06 Optimal Branch Coverage is 39

47 Exhaustive Techniques Predicate Coverage
Seq Cov Len Time Mem Full MC 7 79 5.2 543 309 S+C+V 10 95 5.7 350 228 Sym – S+Sub 11 102 6.1 222 117 Optimal Predicate Coverage is 106

48 Under-Approximation Techniques Predicate Coverage
Seq Cov Len Time Mem S 25d 106 21.7 90 13.31 S+C 30 8.3 354 100 Sym - S 12 6.1 230 123.27 Sym – S+C 104 6.2 356 138 Random 60 30.1 61.459 7.74 Optimal Predicate Coverage is 106

49 Observations For a simple coverage such as branch coverage, all the techniques work well, including the exhaustive ones But making the coverage more “behavioral”, even by a small increment, kills off the exhaustive techniques

50 Observations Full Blown Model Checking doesn’t work here
Its close cousin, that only looks at the relevant state at the relevant time, scales much better Branch - full coverage after: MC: 536s & 584Mb Complete: 10s & 17Mb Predicate – best coverage after: MC: 79 covered with 543s & 309Mb Complete: 95 covered with 350s & 228Mb

51 Observations Symbolic techniques have a slight edge over concrete ones for exhaustive analysis Comparing for Predicate Coverage (10) Full Concrete(95): 350s & 228Mb Full Symbolic(95): 123s & 62Mb Current results indicate symbolic under-approximation based search is less efficient than concrete Further experimentation required

52 Observations Random Search?
Seems to work rather well here It will always have an edge on memory, since it uses almost none It will most likely have an edge on speed, since it needs to do little additional work – it will however redo work often It will in general do worse on test-case length, since it requires longer sequences to achieve more complex coverage

53 Observations Search Order Matters for the lossy techniques
BFS is inherently better than DFS On occasion though it is the other way round

54 Conclusions & Future Work
Showed how predicate abstraction can be used for an under-approximation based search with refinement Showed how a lightweight variant, where the abstraction mapping is given and no refinement is done, can be used for bug-finding and test-case generation Goal: Derive predicates for analyzing containers automatically through the use of symbolic execution during refinement Can we derive shape predicates automatically?

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