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Mother Of God.

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1 Mother Of God

2 Lk 1:26-56 What events occur in this passage?
The Annunciation and the visitation of Elizabeth

3 Why does this passage relate to the title of Mary as Mother of God?
She is going to give birth to Jesus the son of God

4 Why should we start with this title?
This is her first greatest privilege, the other privileges follow from it if one can accept this doctrine, he will grasp the others more readily. It is the easiest to defend doctrinally, biblically and historically. Each of the three great pillars of the reformation Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli- accept this doctrine whole heatedly.

5 What is the simple argument behind this title?
Mary is the mother of Jesus, Jesus is God, Therefore Mary is the mother of God.

6 What are the logical implications if this title is denied?
Either Jesus is not God, or Jesus is 2 persons one human, one divine

7 What heretic first rejected this title?
Nestorius in 428

8 What council addressed this heresy?
Council of Ephesus in 431

9 What is Theotokos Bearer of God

10 Do mothers give birth to persons, natures, or bodies
Do mothers give birth to persons, natures, or bodies? How does this help clarify Protestant concerns with this title. Persons. A person is a body and a soul. The soul is created by God and infused with body in womb and than the person is born.

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