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Tomorrow’s Energy Today

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Presentation on theme: "Tomorrow’s Energy Today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tomorrow’s Energy Today
Final presentation - COMP 410 F12

2 Motivation






8 ??? What is our plan?

9 Introduction

10 Who are we? COMP 410 At WORK 14 CS students
Semester-long senior design course Completely student-ran Given problem statement Not a project Who are we?

11 Customer – Citizen for Affordable Energy http://www
John Hofmeister – Former President of Shell Oil Company Develop a simulation framework capable of simulating the results of various energy plans for different energy models. Create a non-partisan plan for the U.S. energy system for the next 50 years which ensures energy is available, affordable, and sustainable. Verify the plan produces desired results by developing an energy model of the U.S. energy system and running the plan and model on the simulation framework. Make the plan and results readily available to the public. Problem Statement

12 Specification Model of the US Energy Industry
Best-case, average-case, and worst-case 50-year plans for the energy industry Simulator Public Web Interface Cloud Storage General Purpose Modeling Specification

13 Plan

14 Consumption Events

15 Infrastructure Events

16 Environment Events

17 Production Events


19 Model

20 Model: A representation of the energy industry in terms of interconnected modules.
Module: An object which wraps a lambda and keeps tack of values. Lambda: A piece of code or math which takes a set of input values and computes a set of output values. Energy Model

21 Sub Mult Add Add 3 5 8 Add Lambda Module Model Model Cont.

22 “Characterized by interdependence, mutual interaction, information feedback, and circular causality.” - System Dynamics Society Abstraction of systems as a series of stocks and influential flows Chose because of two major benefits: Extensibility Comparability System Dynamics

23 Extensibility Comparability SD Advantages


25 Wait until finalized… Our Model

26 Simulator

27 Features Load pre-constructed models and plans.
Make edits to models and plans dynamically. Save new models and plans for later use. Run a simulation and view results. Features

28 (Look at the other screen! )

29 … Windows Azure? Technologies

30 Architecture

31 Conclusion

32 Analysis

33 Future Work

34 Thank you! Microsoft Citizens for Affordable Energy
School of Engineering CS Department COMP 410 Staff Dr. Wong And special thanks to… Thank you!

35 Q&A

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