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Creating an Altered Reality

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Presentation on theme: "Creating an Altered Reality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating an Altered Reality
Observation And Imagination

2 Part One Study and observe essentials of perspective

3 Part Two Complete perspective sketch on small neutral-valued paper

4 Part Three Bring 3 -5 favorite small objects from home
Search for a variety of surfaces: Transparent Reflective Textured No objects on required due date= minus 15 points off project

5 Project Goals: Continue to improve observation techniques
Demonstrate the ability to render simple block forms in convincing perspective Improve your technique of drawing with the white prisma pencil and graphite pencil on a neutral surface

6 Project goals (continued)
Develop your ability to build an effective composition Begin to develop an area of emphasis in an effective composition Make the drawing personal by bringing in from home an object that you can draw effectively into the composition. Sustain your creative energy over a 6 hour drawing

7 Points to Remember: Before the drawing tool ever touches the page:
Consider whole composition of page: “If you don’t control the negative space, it controls you.” Make sure that you take your composition off all 4 sides of the 18 x 24 template

8 Work Smartly Squint to determine most important lights and darks in the whole composition, including negative space. Use a viewfinder

9 New this class: You, as the artist, are creating an environment, a relationship, an altered reality. You are beginning to use your visual voice to make a personal statement. The statement is based on accurate observation of forms. But it is taken to another level of creativity with the inclusion of your rendered object.

10 Work Creatively Observe and Imagine









19 To earn a grade of 90% or above:
Bring in required personal objects by Due Date Perspective of boxes must be accurate Drawing and Integration of personal object must be effective Drawing must contain a variety of whites and darks Composition must go off all 4 sides of paper You must develop an area of emphasis positive and negative space must be integrated with tone Imaginative, personal solution must be evident

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