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Http:// Using Blogs, Micro-blogs and Social Networks in Your Library Case Study 2: Remote Worker.

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Presentation on theme: "Http:// Using Blogs, Micro-blogs and Social Networks in Your Library Case Study 2: Remote Worker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Blogs, Micro-blogs and Social Networks in Your Library Case Study 2: Remote Worker blog 14th October 2009 Marieke Guy Research Officer Resources bookmarked using ‘ili2009-workshop' tag UKOLN is supported by: This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 licence

2 Contents Introduction Case Study 2: The Remote Worker blog
Reasons For Having a Library Blog Beyond Blogs: Micro-blogs and Social Networks Institution Barriers Addressing the Barriers Sharing Best Practices What Next?


4 Background Why? Wanted to write a blog Needed an angle
Became a remote worker in April 2008 Remote worker champion in July 2008 When? Launched September 2008 What? Wordpress – had experience

5 Launching Initial posts: Introduced myself and my situation
Ensured there was documented policy e.g. Creative Commons Promotion: Softly, softly to start off with Then mentioned internally to other remote workers Started to mention it on Twitter and Facebook Linked to it from UKOLN Web site Alerted other bloggers to site, have posted to lists

6 Coverage Individual, reflective, personal and professional, informal
Horizon scanning - technologies Links to relevant material and news items (delicious) Discussion – encourage comments/feedback Reflection – sound out ideas Personal accounts of my presentation and attendance of events Amplified conference details - blended blogging Anything that’s ‘relevant’

7 Keeping it Interesting..
Guest blog posts: Have now published 7 guest blog posts Some general, others more specific (e.g travelling kit for remote workers) Other media: Consistently use images from variety of sources Have added videos, widgets etc. Subject Coverage Ask for suggestions from readers Read other people’s blogs (Google Reader)

8 6 Months of blogging… It’s quality not quantity that counts
Blogs lead to bigger things What’s successful can be surprising Try to build a community

9 Questions Any questions?

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