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3D Vizualization Engine For Location Based Information

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Presentation on theme: "3D Vizualization Engine For Location Based Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 3D Vizualization Engine For Location Based Information
Technical advisor: Yuri Magrisso of ScanTask Academic advisor: Prof. Ehud Gudes Project team: Adir Deri Guy Segev Itai Kornberg Shir Yerushalmi

2 Vision & Problem Domain
The project executed for ScanTask company, which deals with the simple management of mobile workers and tasks, reducing mistakes and improving production. The vision of the project is to bring the data from the farmer's field to the farmer in a unique way. The application should be very simple and easy to use. Displaying the information in a colorful way, 3-dimensional and above aerial photography of the agricultural field, will ease the farmer understanding the situation and with orientation of the referred field.

3 Vision & Problem Domain
The main problem that the project is going to deal with is the analysis, understanding and presentation of plenty of data that was collected from the field, for making quicker and wiser decisions. That kind of analysis may be very complicated when the data is displayed in large tables or when they are displayed in a large number of graphs.

4 Our Solution: Components, Data Flow & System Scheme

5 Functional Requirements
Usage: System usage can be divided to 3 agents 1. Field Worker influences the system by collecting the data (Not necessarily will be a ‘user’ of the system). 2. System Administrator The main functionality of the administrator user is: Add users Add measurements Add static objects from the field

6 Functional Requirements
3. Farm Manager is the main user of the system. The main functionality of the farmer user is: Login/Logout – Login / Logout from the system. 3D visualization – Display the measurements that have been collected using 3D shapes and static objects that in the field. Tooltip information – Show the numeric value of a displayed object. Add/Move to benchmark – Add a point on the globe as a benchmark and then have the ability to centralize the globe to the saved point. View history – View measurements of previous weeks. Show/Hide objects – Show or hide displayed object type. Zooming – Each object is being displayed in a specific zoom levels.

7 Non Functional Requirements
Speed, Capacity & Throughput: Up to 50 users simultaneously ~ 100 requests per minute. Reliability: When the Network Fails, the user will be able to work offline with local data (no map updates in zooming). The user will not be able to retrieve further data from the servers. Data Housekeeping will be located in the company server. Safety & Security: Log-in will be verified with username and password - saved encrypted (MD5). The confidentiality is necessary to ensure that no farmer will be able to see his friend’s data without his permission. Portability: Clients application will run on web browsers with java web start technique. Server & Client applications can run on OS that supports JRE 6.0 runtime.

8 Non Functional Requirements
Usability: The System is supposed, eventually, to serve clients such as farmers. Therefore, its interface must be friendly to the members of that, and be as simple as possible. Up until now, the nature of their work didn't require operating a sophisticated system, so it should be accessible and clear. The system must be considered helpful and not as a burden. “One Click Application” Short & Understandable Menus Data display - Easy and Emphasized Modularity

9 Major Use Cases (I) View Map Actor Name Description Trigger
Website user Name Description The system shows the map for the first time after logging in. Trigger Finishing the log in process. Pre-condition The user is logged in Post-condition The user sees his 3D location-based information, shown on the aerial photography, according to current zoom level. Flow Of Events 1. The Logging in process is finished. 2. Request the relevant coordinates of the specific user area (the center of his fields) from the server. 3. Request the relevant aerial photographs from NASA according to last step's coordinates. 4. Request user's 3D objects from the server - The server generates the requested data and returns its XML representation. 5. The 3D engine displays the data upon aerial photographs in the given coordinates. 6. The user inspects the data. Alternative Flows None.

10 Major Use Cases (II) View History Actor Name Description Trigger
Website user Name View Project's history Description The user can reload data from previous week. Trigger The user chooses the history option, according to a given week & year. Pre-condition The user is logged in and the project information regarding the requested week is exist. Post-condition The user views his 3D objects relevant to a specific requested week, shown on the area map. Flow Of Events 1. The user selects from a combo box requested year & week. The combo box contains only valid weeks (weeks we have data on). 2. The application asks the relevant information from the server. 3. The server returns appropriate user data objects. 4. The user can view the new data. Alternative Flows None.

11 Major Use Cases (III) Add Benchmark Actor Name Description Trigger
Website user Name Add benchmark Description The user can set new benchmark to a specific location. Trigger The user will choose the 'add benchmark' option and will choose the location. Pre-condition The user is logged in, the mouse is on the globe, benchmark name is unique. Post-condition The new benchmark is saved and added to pool. Flow Of Events 1. The user locates the map on the desired area. 2. The user chooses "add benchmark". 3. The user clicks mouse's left button to the desired point. 4. The application will ask the user to name the new benchmark and will add it to the pool. Alternative Flows Case: Name already exists. Action: Error message will be displayed. Case: The user will choose an invalid location.

12 Major Use Cases (IV) Show / Hide Objects Actor Name Description
Website user Name Description The user can select which object types will be displayed. Trigger The user will select / deselect specific object type. Pre-condition The type exists. Post-condition The chosen type objects are displayed / hidden. Flow Of Events 1. The user will deselect the check box regarding the specific type. 2. All the data from that type disappears from the map. Alternative Flows Case: The user selects an unchecked check box. Action: The system will display the data from that type on the map.

13 Thank You Project’s status ARD - DONE ADD – DONE
Prototype – In progress Thank You

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