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[4] Pat and Julie share money in the ratio 2:5 Julie receives £45 more than Pat. How much does Pat get? 1/8  are red. 1/4  are white. 100 are blue. How.

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Presentation on theme: "[4] Pat and Julie share money in the ratio 2:5 Julie receives £45 more than Pat. How much does Pat get? 1/8  are red. 1/4  are white. 100 are blue. How."— Presentation transcript:

1 [4] Pat and Julie share money in the ratio 2:5 Julie receives £45 more than Pat. How much does Pat get? 1/8  are red. 1/4  are white. 100 are blue. How many counters are in the box? A box of coloured counters contains only red, white and blue counters. Tom is 60. His daughter Fiona is 3/5 of his age. His grandson James is 4/15 of his age. How many years older than James is Fiona? Which is larger 60% of 40 or 2/5 of £55 ? Howard has 400 marbles are red are white. The rest are blue. Howard buys 20 more marbles. He now has an equal number of each colour marble. How many blue marbles does Howard buy? Caroline buys 1.4 kilograms of bananas at 95 pence per kilogram. She also buys 0.8 kg of apples. Her total bill is £ How much per kg was she charged for the apples? £1 = 1.82 American dollars & £1 = 194 Japanese yen. Joanne buys a camera in America and pays 200 dollars. Jack buys the same camera for yen in Japan. In which country is the camera cheaper and by how much? Two bottles are on a shelf. The 3 litre bottle, A, is 55% full of water. The 2.5 litre bottle, B, is three-quarters full of water. Which bottle contains more water? Tom works 12 hours each week. He earns £4 per hour. Tom saves  1/3  of his earnings each week. How many weeks does it take Tom to save £80? Number problems, Fraction/Decimal/Percentage, Money, Conversions, Ratio Melissa is 13 years old. Becky is 12 years old. Daniel is 10 years old. Melissa, Becky and Daniel share £28 in the ratio of their ages. Becky gives a third of her share to her mother. How much should Becky now have? Sari’s electricity bill. Present reading 7466 units. Last reading 6942 units. Each unit costs 4.5p How much does she pay? Write 65%, 0.7, 16/25 and 3/5 in order of size, smallest first.

2 [4] £30 A1 2 x their £15 M1 45 ÷ 3 or £15 M1 3 shares = £45 M1
40 ÷ 100 × 60 or 4 × 6 oe M1 55 ÷ 5 × 2 oe M1 24 or 22 A1 24 and 22 and conclusion A1 1/8 + 1/4 Oe M1 3/8 oe A1 5/8 (=100) M1 160 A1 60 ÷ 5 × 3 or 60 ÷ 15 × 4 Oe M1 Fiona = 36 A1 James = 16 A1 20 A1 Pat and Julie share money in the ratio 2:5 Julie receives £45 more than Pat. How much does Pat get? 1/8  are red. 1/4  are white. 100 are blue. How many counters are in the box? A box of coloured counters contains only red, white and blue counters. Tom is 60. His daughter Fiona is 3/5 of his age. His grandson James is 4/15 of his age. How many years older than James is Fiona? Which is larger 60% of 40 or 2/5 of £55 ? Howard has 400 marbles are red are white. The rest are blue. Howard buys 20 more marbles. He now has an equal number of each colour marble. How many blue marbles does Howard buy? Caroline buys 1.4 kilograms of bananas at 95 pence per kilogram. She also buys 0.8 kg of apples. Her total bill is £ How much per kg was she charged for the apples? 1.4 × 95 (= 133 pence) M1 193 – (their 133) (= 60 pence) DM1 (their 60) ÷ M1 75 (pence) £0.75 A1 400 – ( ) or 135 blue oe M1 420 ÷ 3 or 140 M1 Their 140 – 135 oe M1 dep 5 A1 £1 = 1.82 American dollars & £1 = 194 Japanese yen. Joanne buys a camera in America and pays 200 dollars. Jack buys the same camera for yen in Japan. In which country is the camera cheaper and by how much? Two bottles are on a shelf. The 3 litre bottle, A, is 55% full of water. The 2.5 litre bottle, B, is three-quarters full of water. Which bottle contains more water? 200/1.82 M /194 M1 Japan and £ (0) dollars or 948.(68) yen A1 their £ – their £105 DM1 55/100 × 3 M1 1.65 (litres) A1 3/4 × 2.5 M1 1.875 (litres) + (B or 2.5 litre) oe A1 Tom works 12 hours each week. He earns £4 per hour. Tom saves  1/3  of his earnings each week. How many weeks does it take Tom to save £80? Number problems, Fraction/Decimal/Percentage, Money, Conversions, Ratio Melissa is 13 years old. Becky is 12 years old. Daniel is 10 years old. Melissa, Becky and Daniel share £28 in the ratio of their ages. Becky gives a third of her share to her mother. How much should Becky now have? 4 × 12 or M1 (their 48) ÷ 3 or 16 oe M1 80 ÷ their 16 oe M1 5 SC2 for 5 with no working A1 All correct same form (0.65, 0.7, 0.64, 0.6) One correct conversion M1 (65%, 70%, 64%, 60%) M2  3/5, 16/25 , 65%, 0.7 A1 Sari’s electricity bill. Present reading 7466 units. Last reading 6942 units. Each unit costs 4.5p How much does she pay? 28 ÷ 35 or £ M1 12 x their or £9.60 M1 1/3 × their 9.60 or £3.20 M1 £ A1 Write 65%, 0.7, 16/25 and 3/5 in order of size, smallest first.   Their 2358 ÷ M1 dep Their 524 × M1 dep   or M1   £ A1

3 1 o’clock 40 ÷ 100 × 60 or 4 × 6 oe M1 55 ÷ 5 × 2 oe M1 24 or 22 A1
Which is larger 60% of 40 or 2/5 of £55? 40 ÷ 100 × 60 or 4 × 6 oe M1 55 ÷ 5 × 2 oe M1 24 or  A1 24 and 22 and conclusion A1

4 2 o’clock 1/8 + 1/4 oe M1 3/8 oe A1 5/8 (=100) M1 160 A1
A box of coloured counters contains only red, white, and blue counters. 1/8  are red. 1/4  are white. 100 are blue. How many counters are in the box? 1/8 + 1/4 oe M1 3/8 oe A1 5/8 (=100) M1 160 A1

5 3 o’clock 1.4 × 95 (= 133 pence) M1 193 – (their 133) (= 60 pence) DM1
Caroline buys 1.4 kilograms of bananas at 95 pence per kilogram. She also buys 0.8 kg of apples. Her total bill is £1.93. How much per kg was she charged for the apples? 1.4 × 95 (= 133 pence) M1 193 – (their 133) (= 60 pence) DM1 (their 60) ÷ M1 75 (pence) £ A1

6 4 o’clock 55/100 × 3 M1 1.65 (litres) A1 3/4 × 2.5 M1
Two bottles are on a shelf. The 3 litre bottle, A, is 55% full of water. The 2.5 litre bottle, B, is three-quarters full of water. Which bottle contains more water? 55/100 × 3 M1 1.65 (litres) A1 3/4 × M1 1.875 (litres) + (B or 2.5 litre) oe A1

7 5 o’clock 28 ÷ 35 or £0.80 M1 12 x their 0.80 or £9.60 M1
Melissa is 13 years old. Becky is 12 years old. Daniel is 10 years old. Melissa, Becky and Daniel share £28 in the ratio of their ages. Becky gives a third of her share to her mother. How much should Becky now have? 28 ÷ 35 or £ M1 12 x their or £ M1 1/3 × their 9.60 or £ M1 £ A1

8 6 o’clock 7466 - 6942 or 524 M1 Their 524 × 4.5 M1 dep
Sari’s electricity bill. Present reading 7466 units. Last reading 6942 units. Each unit costs 4.5p How much does she pay?   or M1 Their 524 × M1 dep   Their 2358 ÷ M1 dep   £ A1

9 7 o’clock One correct conversion M1 All correct same form
Write 65%, 0.7, 16/25 and 3/5 in order of size, smallest first. One correct conversion M1 All correct same form (0.65, 0.7, 0.64, 0.6) or (65%, 70%, 64%, 60%) M2  3/5, 16/25 , 65%, A1

10 8 o’clock 4 × 12 or 48 M1 (their 48) ÷ 3 or 16 oe M1
Tom works 12 hours each week. He earns £4 per hour. Tom saves  1/3  of his earnings each week. How many weeks does it take Tom to save £80? 4 × 12 or M1 (their 48) ÷ 3 or 16 oe M1 80 ÷ their 16 oe M1 5 SC2 for 5 with no working A1

11 9 o’clock 200/1.82 M1 20370/194 M1 their £109.89 – their £105 DM1
£1 = 1.82 American dollars & £1 = 194 Japanese yen. Joanne buys a camera in America and pays 200 dollars. Jack buys the same camera for yen in Japan. In which country is the camera cheaper and by how much? 200/ M1 20370/ M1 their £ – their £ DM1 Japan and £ (0) dollars or 948.(68) yen A1

12 10 o’clock 400 – (137 + 128) or 135 blue oe M1 420 ÷ 3 or 140 M1
Howard has 400 marbles. 137 are red. 128 are white. The rest are blue. Howard buys 20 more marbles. He now has an equal number of each colour marble. How many blue marbles does Howard buy? 400 – ( ) or 135 blue oe M1 420 ÷ 3 or M1 Their 140 – 135 oe M1 dep A1

13 11 o’clock 60 ÷ 5 × 3 or 60 ÷ 15 × 4 oe M1 Fiona = 36 A1 James = 16 A1
Tom is 60. His daughter Fiona is 3/5 of his age. His grandson James is 4/15 of his age. How many years older than James is Fiona? 60 ÷ 5 × 3 or 60 ÷ 15 × 4 oe M1 Fiona = A1 James = A1 A1

14 12 o’clock 3 shares = £45 M1 45 ÷ 3 or £15 M1 2 x their £15 M1 £30 A1
Pat and Julie share money in the ratio 2:5 Julie receives £45 more than Pat. How much does Pat get? 3 shares = £45 M1 45 ÷ 3 or £15 M1 2 x their £15 M1 £ A1

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