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The nature of the challenge

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Presentation on theme: "The nature of the challenge"— Presentation transcript:

1 The nature of the challenge
Scientific issue recognised, despite uncertainties Major global emissions cuts (- 20 to - 50% rel 1990) needed by 2050 to avoid 2C temperature rise. ( CO2 equiv. stabilisation). NB 2C global average implies about 3C regionally Emissions peak by Speed of technological change may be limiting (50 year time delay) Even a 5 year delay matters. Even a 5 year delay matters. But major change is in the offing

2 Level of participation
Global participation needed – what is the EU’s strategy? 2C not achievable without it But need to differentiate between countries at different stages of development Key concerns about competitiveness

3 EU targets post 2012 Seek global participation
Seek global discussion on 2C limit Avoid unilateral targets Concern about competitiveness Concern about leakage / trade

4 Stakeholder engagement
Work for greater public awareness about actions they can do. Industry willing to work with Governments/Commission to help EU show leadership Reward early action

5 Post 2012 structure No consensus – maybe like Kyoto but be open to other approaches to engage with others Market flexibility supported Wait and see how well it works Technology diffusion important – is CDM enough?

6 Technology choices Investment in R&D needs to be increased
Divergence between no restrictions and limiting involvement of nuclear and carbon capture and sequestration.

7 Leadership EU – yes but how? Aim to engage with others.
Symbolic leadership important Private sector involvement is important

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