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Presenter: Marlize Pistorius/Gwen Lehloenya

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Marlize Pistorius/Gwen Lehloenya"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Marlize Pistorius/Gwen Lehloenya
Census South Africa Presenter: Marlize Pistorius/Gwen Lehloenya 13 May 2010

2 The success of census 2011 hinges on:
Key to Census 2011 The success of census 2011 hinges on: How lessons learnt during the two censuses and community survey are taken on board Successful program testing across all processes Proper planning and management of processes Proper process monitoring and evaluation framework Simplify census processes (keep all processes simple)

3 Key to Census 2011 (cont.) Streamlined decision making process within project and organisation

4 Project Goal To pan, implement and manage the design, processing and dissemination of an accurate census 2011 with the constraints of time, cost resources and stakeholders definition

5 Census bjectives To support proper coordinated and integrated planning To conduct a comprehensive advocacy and publicity exercise in support of all census processes To conduct a comprehensive testing and relevant data items, questionnaire and census products To conduct a verification of all demarcated EAs and also perform listing of all dwellings in the country To enumerate each and every person in the country without omission and duplication To accurately convert information from questionnaires into electronic data and produce primary tables Disseminate census data and products (In partnership)

6 Key deliverable Provide relevant and accurate statistical information at national, provincial, municipality and EA level that meet user needs

7 Key Milestones for Pilot
All plans ready August 2009 Pilot September 2009 Pilot listing September 2009 Pilot data collection (480 EAs) - October 2009 Pilot PES (8 EA’s) - November 2009 Pilot processing June 2010 7

8 Key Milestones: Mini test
Review of systems and programs March 2010 Mini Test listing September 2010 Mini Test data collection (720 EAs) October 2010 PES Mini Test (75 EAs) November 2010 Test processing June 2011

9 Key milestones: Main Census
Review of systems and programs March 2011 Listing for main census September 2011 Demarcation, validation, verification & map production - May 2011 Recruitment July 2011 Training August 2011 Publicity October 2010

10 Key milestones (cont.) Main Census - October 2011 PES - November 2011
Main data processing December 2012 Final results June 2013

11 The End

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