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Mercuri international

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1 Mercuri international
E-learning Modules Catalogue Mercuri international

2 Sales Techniques Understanding your customers Selling the price
Understanding, exploring and serving the needs of clients is essential for any salesperson. Review the basics of price defence, increasing your knowledge and confidence Using argumentation effectively How to close the sale Discover the 2 major types of argumentation; Learn how to structure both types of argumentation Know when to ask for commitment Integrate the main closing techniques Handling objections Learn to react positively Know the most effective approach

3 Differentiated Selling
Consultative Selling Evaluate your sales performance or one of your team with more clarity ; Discover the chain of causes and effects leading to the results How to make a proper diagnosis of sales performance of both a salesperson and a sales team. Assertive Selling How to set up an action plan that proves extremely efficient? How to adapt your support and follow-up to your team members’ individual needs?

4 Sales Activity Planning
RAC Concept How to optimise your sales platform Evaluate your sales performance or one of your team with more clarity ; Discover the chain of causes and effects leading to the results Defining selection criteria ; Defining Market, Working, Buying Platform objectives ; Monitoring the various Platform levels. Analysing Sales Performance Managing the customer portfolio How to make a proper diagnosis of sales performance of both a salesperson and a sales team. How to analyse the customer portfolio to forecast income with more precision ; How to define the portfolio necessary to reach your objectives Building a Sales Action Plan How to set up an action plan that proves extremely efficient? How to adapt your support and follow-up to your team members’ individual needs?

5 Coaching Skills MI Lead
Knowing how to identify the level of competence of each member of your team Identifying the appropriate leadership style for each of them

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