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Scissors and pencils to one tool

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Presentation on theme: "Scissors and pencils to one tool"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scissors and pencils to one tool

2 Problem It is hard for me to cut and write fast because I need to put down the scissor and take the pencil and then take the scissor again.

3 Purpose To make it easier for me to use scissor, and pencil but in one tool to make it faster then using one by one.

4 Hypothesis By using lever I could make it into one tool with the scissor.

5 Materials Scissor Clothespin Selotip A pencil

6 Variables Independent Variable: Controlled variable: Selotip Pencil
Clothespin scissor

7 Procedure Put the clothes pin together and selotip it.
Take the pencil and put them in one clip end. Take the scissor and take the new clothes pin and put the scissor in the clothespin. Put it all together.

8 B A D C

9 Result My hypothesis was correct that you can use clothes pin to put them together.

10 Conclusion So, now we know that we could use clothespin and a scissor also a pencil to make one thing and it is easier for people to draw while cutting so they can do double job in once.

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