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Chapter 1 Section 1 “What is Science?”

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1 Chapter 1 Section 1 “What is Science?”

2 Inquiry Activity In your group assemble the 10 blocks your group has into a unusual structure. While you are assembling your blocks write directions that other groups could use to construct the structure you have assembled. Exchange directions with another group, and follow their directions to assemble their structure using the directions. Compare the assembled structure with the original one to see how you did.



5 What Science Is and Is Not
What is Science? Science is an organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world. The word Science actually refers to a body of knowledge that scientists have built ip after years of using this process. The main goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world and to explain events in the natural world, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions.

6 Thinking like a Scientist
Suppose your lawnmower won’t start…. First you’re going to have some questions Is it out of gas? Is the battery dead? Science usually starts with observations. Observations are the process of gathering information about events or processes in a careful, orderly way. The information gathered during an observations are called data. Qualititative- data involving characteristices that can’t usually be counted. Quantitative- data obtained by counting or measuring

7 Thinking like a Scientist
Scientists usually use data to make inferences. An inference is a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge or experience. Testing water….

8 Explaining and Interpreting Evidence
The scientific method is often used to explain or interpret evidence. Observations. Hypothesis Experiment Record Data Analyze/Conclusion

9 Explaining and Interpreting Evidence
Hypotheses are proposed after initial observations. A hypothesis is a proposed scientific explanation for a set of observations. They are usually an “if, then statement.” They must be testable. Controlled experiment. More data collection.

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