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Literature Genres.

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1 Literature Genres

2 ADVENTURE Action stories set in exotic or forbidding places.

3 An account of a person’s life written by that person.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY An account of a person’s life written by that person.

4 An account of a person’s life written by another person.
Biography An account of a person’s life written by another person.

5 DRAMA Prose or verse composition especially one telling a serious story, which is intended to be performed with character dialogue and action.

6 Folk/Fairy Tales Timeless tales about oral tradition and/or fanciful creatures.

7 Historical Fiction Fictional stories based on real events or popular beliefs.

8 Mystery Stories about solving crimes or unraveling secrets.

9 Symbolic stories explaining natural events or popular beliefs.
Mythology Symbolic stories explaining natural events or popular beliefs.

10 Non Fiction Stories that provide real facts about real people, places, or things.

11 NOVELS A prose narrative of considerable length usually having plot shown by the actions, speech, and thoughts of several characters.

12 POETRY Verse that evokes an emotional response.

13 Prose Ordinary spoken or written language in contrast to poetry.

14 Realistic Fiction Imagined stories that could really happen in modern times.

15 Science Fiction Fiction blended with scientific fact and/or imaginative elements.

16 Short Stories Prose narratives of lesser length usually having plot shown by one major character

17 SPORTS Stories about characters engaged in athletic activies.

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