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TRICKS & TREATS Each team rolls the die, lowest number goes first.

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Presentation on theme: "TRICKS & TREATS Each team rolls the die, lowest number goes first."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRICKS & TREATS Each team rolls the die, lowest number goes first.
Each table is two teams (right side versus left). Materials: paper, pencil, QR Code Reader, Die, counters Each team rolls the die, lowest number goes first. Team 1 Roll dice. If roll even, divide by 2 and move that many spaces. Ex: Roll 4, 4/2=2, move 2 spaces. If roll odd, subtract 2. Ex: roll a 3, 3-2=1 move 1 space. What if you role a 1? 1- 2=-1, so go back 1 space.

2 Numbered Spaces-Choose from the board on power point
Numbered Spaces-Choose from the board on power point. Both teams solve on own paper-then check solution on QR code. No longer than 3 minutes. If you get it correct, pick a tricks or treats card and follow directions on the card then you may roll the dice again on your next turn. If you answer incorrectly, no tricks or treats card, and no rolling the dice again. You must answer a question from that number in order to advance on the game board. If it was your teams turn but you answered incorrectly and the other team answered correctly, they may take 1 piece of your candy (if you have any).

3 If you land on the pumpkins
pick a tricks or treats card without answering a question.  If you land on candy you may take 1/2 of opponents candy rounded up to nearest whole piece. The team who makes it to the end first gets ALL the candy earned in game minus 3 pieces (1 each for losers.) There may be game twists- the name of the game is TRICKS & TREATS. For example, I may announce for teams to switch players, write with their left hand, put back 3 pieces of candy, etc. The counters are standing in for the candy until the end of the game when you will receive the real thing.

4 2 If you land on 4, you may choose a 1, 2, or 3 card. 1’s are systems of equations, 2’s are inequalities, and 3’s are piecewise functions.





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