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The Outsiders Final Project.

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1 The Outsiders Final Project

2 On This Page…. Who is Your Character
Insert pictures that show who your character is: what do they wear, what do they do, what tokens or important objects are associated with them? Insert a text box that explains why you chose these pictures.

3 Randy Randy drives a blue Mustang. This car was seen when Johnny was jumped and is the car Randy was driving when Pony and Johnny were jumped in the park and Johnny killed Bob. Randy wears a Madras shirt. This is a style that a lot of Socs wear. After Randy’s best friend Bob is killed, Randy decides that he doesn’t want to participate in gang violence.

4 On This Page… What are your characters conflicts?
Insert a text box to describe your character’s conflicts are in the story. Find a quote from the text that describes this situation with your character. Make sure to include the page number where you found this event.

5 Randy’s Conflicts Like all of the Socs, Randy’s parents have a lot of money. Randy feels guilty for having “all the breaks.” “You can’t win, even if you whip us. You’ll still be where you were before- at the bottom. And we’ll still be the lucky ones with all the breaks.” page 117 Randy is a participant in violence between the Socs and the Greasers. When Randy and a group of Socs jumps Pony and Johnny, his best friend Bob is stabbed and dies. Randy’s conflict becomes deciding if he wants to continue fighting the greasers or not. “….People get hurt in rumbles, maybe even killed. I’m sick of it because it doesn’t do any good.” page

6 On This Page… Character Memoir
Write a summary of your character’s role in the story. Try to write it in the voice of the character, in the style of a memoir.

7 Randy’s Memoir By the time I was 18 years old I felt much older. I’m a soc, one of the guys with all the breaks. My old man is a lawyer and let’s just say I’ve always gotten everything I wanted. Except someone who says ‘no’ to me. So, I run the streets. Me and my friends, the socs, would drive around in my blue Mustang. We would drink whiskey and look for trouble. Mostly, we look for Greasers to beat up. Greasers are white trash and live on the run-down East Side so no one cares if one gets a little roughed up. One time, we found this little kid with black hair that hangs out with the greasers walking all alone. We beat him up until he cried. My best friend Bob almost killed him, he beat him up so bad with his rings. Bob was my best friend, that is until that same Greaser kid killed him. I can’t really blame him, the Grease that is. If he didn’t kill Bob, we might have killed his friend, Pony. I used to think there was nothing wrong with beating up some trash. But these kids, they saved a bunch of little kids in a burning church! And here we are, the rich kids, cruising around beating people up and acting like we’re better. I don’t know, nothing makes sense anymore. Lately I’ve been thinking that this Soc thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

8 On This Page…. Your Choice
Links to music that reminds you of the character, connections with other stories that remind you of the character, BE CREATIVE!

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