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Transportation Demand Analysis

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1 Transportation Demand Analysis
Lecture note Trip generation I

2 Transportation Demand Analysis
Lecture note Remember…

3 Remember… Levels of aggregation Zone: More data
Household, HH: Convertible to zone Individual: Convertible to HH or zone Four-step Models Generation (Production/Attraction) Distribution Mode choice Assignment Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

4 Demand modeling Assumptions
1- Demand is derived (Each trip has a purpose) 2- Number and spatial distribution of trips are functions of land uses and their spatial distribution 3-Demand is a function of activities and land uses (independent of supply and opportunities) 4- Temporal stability of relationship between zone characteristics and trip rates 5- Trip is related to its respective activity Transportation Demand Analysis

5 Trip production factors According to studies in Iran cities
Transportation Demand Analysis Lecture note Trip production factors According to studies in Iran cities

6 Home Based – School (production)
Population Number of primary and secondary students Number of university (tertiary) students Subsets of Population (e.g., between 6 to 20) Car ownership Income Residential density Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

7 Home Based – Shopping (production)
Population Residential area per capita Car ownership Income Residential density Residential area Zone area Distance from CBD Transportation Demand Analysis

8 Home Based – Recreational (production)
Population Household size Car ownership Income Residential density Number of residential units Distance from CBD Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

9 Home Based – Personal business (production)
Population Car ownership Income Employees live in residential areas Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

10 Non Home Based (production)
All of the above production factors Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

11 Trip attraction factors According to studies in Iran cities
Transportation Demand Analysis Lecture note Trip attraction factors According to studies in Iran cities

12 Home Based –Work (Attraction)
Employees in job location (basic, none basic, all) Amount of retail purchase Area (commercial, official, manufacture, agricultural) Commercial gross floor area Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

13 Home Based –School (Attraction)
Scholl areas (primary and secondary) Number of schools (primary and secondary) Number of classes (primary and secondary) Number of universities Number of university students Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

14 Home Based –Shopping (Attraction)
Amount of each types of service/retail sell Number of employees (at destination) Daily/durable goods employment Amount of wholesale sell Commercial land use area Commercial/wholesale/service gross floor area Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

15 Home Based – Recreational (Attraction)
Amount of retail purchase Number of retail employees (at destination) Number of job locations Number of cinemas/museum/amphitheater/exhibitions Population Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

16 Home Based –Personal business (Attraction)
Number of public/private offices Number of employees at job locations Car ownership Number of medical/service centers Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

17 Non Home Based (Attraction)
All of the above attraction factors Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

18 Transportation Demand Analysis - Title

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