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Introduction to ECC PT1 August 2018
ECC PT1 is the lead group on mobile in CEPT
ECC PT1 is responsible for mobile broadband issues in CEPT European harmonisation of spectrum identified for MFCN Sharing and compatibility studies in MFCN spectrum CEPT preparation for WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 (frequency bands for future development of IMT – 5G) CEPT preparation for WRC-19 agenda items 9.1.1, and 9.1.8 MFCN: mobile/fixed communications networks IMT: international mobile telecommunications
ECC PT1 Terms of Reference
The Project Team shall be responsible for implementing the WAPECS concept as appropriate in the context of MFCN and in frequency bands identified by ECC, including collaborating with WG FM on frequency management issues (e.g. cross-border coordination issues, sharing of bands with applications other than MFCN). 1 See the full ECC PT1 Terms of Reference on the ECC PT1 webpage WAPECS: Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communications Services
ECC PT1 Officials Chairman Mr. Steve Green Ofcom UK
Tel: Secretary Mr. Wesley Milton Ofcom UK Tel: Vice-chairman Mr. Evgeny Tonkikh Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR) Russia Tel: Vice-chairman Mr. Vassilis Milas Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) Greece Tel:
ECC PT1 Sub working groups
SWG-A – Spectrum Issues Chairman: Mr. Michael Kraemer (Intel) SWG-C – Compatibility and Sharing Issues Chairman: Mr. Šarūnas Oberauskas (Lithuania) SWG-E – Coordination of CEPT activities in relation to the ITU-R process for the development of IMT-2020 (5G) Chairman: Ms. Eiman Mohyeldin (Nokia) SWG-AI1.13 – CEPT Preparation for WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13: Frequency bands for IMT-2020 (5G) Chairman: Mr. Robert Cooper (UK)
ECC PT1’s role within ECC
Steering Group ECC ECO ECC PT1 IMT Matters WG FM Frequency Management WG SE Spectrum Engineering WG NaN Numbering and Networks CPG Conference Preparatory Group FM49, FM51, FM54, FM56, FM57,EFIS/MG SE7, SE19, SE21 SE40, SE45, STG 3GPP GSMA Industry ETSI SRDoc GSA
Co-operation with external entities
APT Wireless Group (AWG) CITEL European Commission ECC PT1 ECC
5G activities ECC PT1 is the main group responsible for 5G (IMT-2020) in CEPT ECC PT1 is leading the CEPT preparation for WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13, which aims to identify global frequency bands for 5G between GHz and 86 GHz ECC PT1 (SWG-E) has developed CEPT contributions to ITU-R on the following topics: Technical requirements & Evaluations Process and circular letter ECC developed a CEPT 5G roadmap following a 5G workshop in November 2016, including a number of tasks for PT1 (see following slides)
CEPT 5G roadmap: PT1 activities
GHz Review of technical conditions to determine suitability for 5G: ECC Report 281, CEPT Report 67 and draft revision of ECC Decision (11)06 Guidance to administrations on defragmentation of existing usage: draft ECC Report 287 Ongoing work on synchronisation framework and cross-border co-ordination GHz Harmonisation of 26 GHz band taking into account protection of existing services: ECC Decision (18)06 and CEPT Report 68 Ongoing work on synchronisation framework, cross-border co-ordination and “toolboxes” for coexistence with other services (EESS/SRS, FSS, FS) Existing harmonised bands Review suitability of harmonisation in all mobile bands to ensure they are suitable for 5G: Ongoing studies on 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands ECC concluded no changes necessary in 700 MHz and 800 MHz Completed work in L band ( MHz) – ECC Decision (17)06 and revised ECC Decision (13)03
CEPT 5G roadmap: PT1 activities
Prioritise bands to be studied under WRC-19 AI1.13: GHz, GHz, GHz – preliminary CEPT positions to support IMT identification in these bands Contributions to ITU-R (TG 5/1 and WP 5D) on spectrum needs and 5G characteristics (completed) Consider how the needs of verticals can be addressed in standardisation and in existing regulations, and investigate possibility for verticals to share common platforms Consider what satellite solutions can bring for 5G – ECC Report 280 developed in cooperation with FM44 Explore sharing opportunities introduced by new technologies in higher frequency bands (e.g. AAS)
Other recent activities
Studies on the use of mobile networks for UAS/drone operations, including the impact of UAS on mobile networks and other systems Studies on coexistence between RMR (railway mobile radio) and mobile base stations in the 900 MHz range as well as above 1920 MHz Harmonisation of L Band ( MHz): ECC Report 269, ECC Decision 17(06), and CEPT Report 65 in response to EC Mandate. ECC Report 263 on coexistence of IMT/MSS at 1518 MHz, and draft ECC Report on MES blocking protection measures. Guidance for cross-border co-ordination with ATS in certain countries under development Machine 2 Machine Communications: ECC Report 242 on compatibility and sharing studies in 700 MHz, and ECC Report 266 on M2M using MFCN. Revision of ECC Decision (06)13 to accommodate M2M in 900 and 1800 MHz bands, and CEPT Report 66 in response to EC Mandate Operational guidelines for spectrum sharing to support MFCN in GHz: ECC Report 254 Mobile Communications on board Aircraft (MCA) : Analysis of usage of MCA without Network Control Unit – CEPT Report 63 and revision of ECC Decision (06)07 Mobile Communication On-board Vessels (MCV): ECC Report 237, revision of ECC Decision (08)08, CEPT Report 62 Cross border coordination: Update of ECC Recommendations for 900 and 1800 MHz, and MHz Support to ECO on ECO Report 03: information on licensing of mobile bands available from EFIS 700MHz: ECC Decision (15)01 on MFCN technical conditions and band plan; CEPT Report 53 and CEPT Report 60 in response to EC Mandate
ECC PT1 is developing CEPT briefs and draft ECPs accordingly
WRC-2019 preparation CPG-19 (Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-19) in April 2016 tasked ECC PT1 to lead CEPT preparation for the following agenda items for WRC-19: 1.13 – IMT 2020: to consider identification of frequency bands for the future development of IMT (5G) GHz IMT: coexistence between the terrestrial and satellite components of IMT in the frequency bands MHz and MHz 9.1.2 – BSS Sound: compatibility of IMT and Broadcasting Satellite Service (sound) in the frequency band MHz Machine-type communications: to study the technical and operational aspects of radio networks and systems, as well as spectrum needed ECC PT1 is developing CEPT briefs and draft ECPs accordingly 11
CEPT preparation for previous WRCs
ECC PT1 has previously contributed to the preparation of the European Common Proposals (ECPs) for the World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) on the following Agenda Items: WRC-2000 1.6.1 Spectrum for IMT-2000 1.6.2 Global control channel WRC-07 1.4 Spectrum for IMT 1.9 Space services use of 2.6 GHz WRC-03 1.22 Progress of IMT-2000 studies 1.33 NGSO BSS (sound) in 2.6 GHz 1.34 HAPS within IMT-2000 WRC-15 Support to CPG PTD on 1.1 Spectrum for IMT 1.2 MHz 12
ECC PT1 is the CEPT entity contributing to ITU-R WP 5D
Since the establishment of the ITU-R WP 5D “IMT Systems” (successor of ITU-R WP 8F) in January 2008, ECC PT1 has been contributing to its work by presenting the CEPT positions on the issues on the agenda of WP 5D, including: Development and update of ITU-R Recommendations and Reports on IMT Digital Dividend ( MHz for Region 1) IMT-Advanced submission and evaluation process Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS) Femtocells (home base stations) 3.5 GHz 700 MHz IMT 2020 WRC-19 preparation (Agenda Items 1.13, 9.1.2, 9.1.8) L Band ( MHz) ECC PT1 is brand recognised at international level and in industry
Response to EC mandates
ECC PT1 drafts CEPT Reports in response to EC mandates. These CEPT reports are the basis either for the update or the development of EC framework. Recent examples are presented below. Harmonised spectrum for 5G A Mandate on harmonisation for 5G was issued in January 2017, identifying the GHz and GHz bands as ‘pioneer’ bands for 5G. ECC PT1 has developed CEPT Report 67 and CEPT Report 68 on these bands, which were sent to the EC in July 2018. IoT in 900 and 1800 MHz A Mandate to review harmonisation in 900 MHz and 1800 MHz to ensure suitability for Internet of Things (IoT) was received in July ECC PT1 developed CEPT Report 66 which was sent to the EC in March 2018 L Band ( MHz) harmonisation A Mandate on harmonisation of the L Band ( MHz) was issued in March ECC PT1 developed CEPT Report 65 which was sent to the EC in November 2017.
Response to EC mandates
Some other examples of completed work in response to EC Mandates are presented below. MFCN 700 MHz: CEPT Report 53 and CEPT Report 60 MFCN in 700 MHz : 2 X 30 MHz and “zero to 4 blocks of 5 MHz” SDL EC Decision (EU) 2016/687 MFCN GHz: CEPT Report 49 Harmonised band plan New BEM suitable for MFCN with large bandwidth EC Decision 2014/276/EU Mobile Communications onboard Aircraft (MCA): CEPT Report 48 and CEPT Report 63 MCA LTE1800 : MHz and MHz MCA UMTS2100 (FDD): MHz and MHz CEPT Report 63 concluded the use of a network control unit (NCU) should be made optional for GSM and LTE EC Decision 2013/654/EU and EC Decision (EU) 2016/2317 Mobile Communications on Vessels (MCV): CEPT Report 62 Coexistence between seaborne UMTS and LTE with terrestrial networks in the 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz Technical conditions for use of MCV EC Decision (EU) 2017/191
How is ECC PT1 organised? Sub Working Groups (SWGs) are active during the ECC PT1 plenary meetings Opening plenary Sub working group A Closing plenary Sub working group C Sub working group E Sub working group AI1.13 Correspondence Groups (CGs) are active between ECC PT1 plenary meetings Plenary meeting n Correspondence group X Plenary meeting n+1 Correspondence group Y Correspondence group Z The number of CGs may vary, see the webpage for the latest list
History of PT1 ECC PT1 developed major UMTS/IMT-2000 ECC deliverables implemented by most CEPT countries ERC established ERC TG1 on UMTS/IMT-2000 (the group held 17 meetings) ECC PT1 has been an active contributor to ITU-R (WP5D, JTG ) 1997 2000 2018 TG1 produced first ERC Decisions and developed responses to the first EC Mandates on UMTS ERC PT1 held its 1st meeting in Mainz, Germany ECC PT1 has held over 50 meetings and continues to address IMT and MFCN matters
ECC PT1 Chairmen Mr. Pasi Toivonen FICORA ERC TG1: August 1997 –
October 2000 Mr. Peter Scheele BNetzA ECC PT1: October 2003 – October 2009 Mr. Steve Green Ofcom ECC PT1: June 2016 – present 1997 2003 2016 Mr. Jim Connolly ComReg ERC/ECC PT1: October 2000 – October 2003 Mr. Didier Chauveau ANFR ECC PT1: October 2009 – June 2016 2
Contributions – Deliverables
GSM, DECT IMT-2000/UMTS, IMT, MFCN, Mobile on board Aircraft, Mobile on board Vessels, M2M/IoT, L Band, C Band 30+ ECC deliverables CEPT administrations Industry ECC PT1 International organisations 20+ CEPT Reports In an average meeting: ~120 participants with ~60 % representing industry (recent increase in participation due to WRC-19 AI 1.13 issues) ~70 input documents
The most recent information is available at:
ECC PT1 webpage The most recent information is available at:
Please refer to the ECC PT1 contacts for further information
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