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Standards-Based Report Card for SFUSD Elementary Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Standards-Based Report Card for SFUSD Elementary Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards-Based Report Card for SFUSD Elementary Schools
Rationale, What’s New?, Timeline, Guidelines for Use, Frequently Asked Questions Standard 5 of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession: Assessing Students for Learning

SFUSD teachers have: used the SBRC to plan instruction and interventions applied their professional expertise in completing the SBRC discussed the SBRC with students and families given feedback and asked questions about the SBRC This presentation is intended to ensure all SFUSD elementary teachers and administrators receive the same information to support their work with the SBRC. It will not address every possible scenario- your professionalism is needed and expected in order to meet the particular needs of your students and families.

3 Why Use a Standards-Based Report Card?
Promotes equity through student achievement and accountability. It is an objective tool to measure a student’s progress toward proficiency in the California State Content Standards. Provides clear information for students, teachers, and caregivers on what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of each grade level. Supports students, teachers, and caregivers in monitoring progress toward mastery of grade-level standards. In the SBRC, students are NOT graded on their effort, average scores, nor their performance compared to their peers. Teachers identify Proficiency Levels (1-4) rather than letter grades.

4 FYI … As we are presenting, please note down any questions, comments, and/or concerns on a post it and place them in the Parking Lot at the end of the presentation. Write your NAME, SITE, AND ADDRESS ON YOUR POST- IT. We will respond to post-it comments as soon as possible. Please explore the SBRC website for resources and more information (see packet). If you have further questions, you may the SBRC:

5 Is the SBRC Summative or Formative?
BOTH! The goal is for all students to achieve a “3” (or higher) in each standard by the end of the school year. SUMMATIVE FORMATIVE Performance levels at the end of each trimester reflects the student’s proficiency in that standard at that point in time. Performance levels should be used to determine where further support or challenge is needed.

Identify which standards you taught and assessed during the trimester. Use assessment sources for those standards, along with rubrics on Data Director, to determine a student’s proficiency level toward meeting that standard.

7 PROFICIENCY LEVELS 1 2 3 4 Needs more time/practice to develop
(support & interventions are needed to meet the standard) Approaching the standard (needs more practice and support to meet the standard) Meets the standard (consistently) Exceeds the standard (consistently and flexibly applies the concept in a variety of situations)

Mark all standards that have not yet been taught and assessed with a slash “/”. For any student at a proficiency level “1,” include in the Comments section what you are doing to support progress in that standard. 2ND & 3RD TRIMESTERS: Any Language Arts or Math Skill in which a student was previously at a level 1 or 2 should be re-taught and re-assessed each trimester until meeting proficiency. If a non-math or ELA standard has not been re-assessed during the trimester, mark it with a slash (“/”). A rating should NOT BE simply carried over from the previous period, as a student’s understanding may have changed. BE PREPARED AT CONFERENCES TO SHARE THE STUDENT WORK AND ASSESSMENTS USED TO DETERMINE THE REPORT CARD MARKINGS.

9 Talk with a partner: What can you learn about the student’s learning and the teacher’s actions from this portion of the Standards Based Report Card? What questions do you have for this teacher about this report card?

10 WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR? To Address Teachers’ Valuable Feedback:
K-5 TRIMESTERS INSTEAD OF QUARTERS: 1st Report Period: August 20th-November 2nd Parent Conference Week: 11/13-11/19 2nd Report Period: November 5th-February 8th Parent Conference Week: 2/25-3/1 3rd Report Period: February 11th-May 31 GRADES 6-8 IN K-8 SCHOOLS Report periods will be every 6 weeks to align with the middle school calendar. ALIGNMENT WITH CLA AND K/1 ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE: You will have your assessment data in time to use it in report card preparation. See attached calendar.

11 To Support Communication Between Home and School:
WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR? To Support Communication Between Home and School: Students and families should not be surprised by performance levels in November. Teachers use many informal & formal assessments and know early on where students really struggle. Teachers know their students! For students identified as far below proficiency in Math & Language Arts standards based on these assessments, teachers must make a Mid- Trimester Communication with students and families by October 5th. Principals will lead discussions at their sites regarding the process for this Mid-Trimester Communication.

12 Check Your understanding!
Read each question as it appears. Use the information from the presentation to discuss the best answer. A lot of my students have mostly “2”s on the 1st trimester report card. Is that okay? Yes, because they are working toward being proficient by the end of the year. BUT, any student with a “1” or “2” in an ELA or Math standard should be supported with interventions and re-teaching and the standard should be re-assessed each trimester to work toward proficiency. If the student got a “3” in the first trimester, do I put a “3” in the other two marking periods if I never taught that again? No. Only put a level for those trimesters when the standard was taught and assessed. If you did not return to that standard with that student, put a “/” (slash). If you did return to that standard with that student, assess again and mark the appropriate level.

13 Check Your understanding!
What if I only taught 1 lesson related to the standard by the time I have to fill out the SBRC? Do I fill in a performance level? No. Slash that standard because you have not sufficiently taught the standard and fairly assessed it. You can explain this to families at conferences. By the 3rd week of school, I see that my 4th grade student uses no punctuation in her writing. Should I wait until the parent conference in November to talk to the family about it? No. Nothing should be a surprise for families in November. There should be on-going communication between the teacher and parents, including a Mid-Trimester Communication. Is a proficiency level “4” the same as an “A”? No. A “4” means the student understands the concept so well and so deeply that he/she can flexibly apply it in new situations. You would use your knowledge of the student, the content, and the rubric as a guide for marking a “4.”

14 Frequently Asked Questions
What if I only partially taught the standard (e.g. standard is to know value of all coins but teacher has only covered pennies and nickels)? Recommendation: Slash the standard but make a note in the comments section on the students’ progress toward mastering the standard. However, this may be something to discuss at your site and handle how the site best sees fit. What do I do if students are at proficiency level 3 or 4 before the end of the year? If a student meets or exceeds the standards (“3” or “4”) in the early part of the school year, Challenge/Extension activities may be planned to extend understanding and application of the standard. This is an opportunity for school staffs to work together to meet these students’ needs.

15 Frequently Asked Questions
Will the report card have the Common Core Standards on it? Not this year, but there are drafts that may be ready to pilot for next year. Will the CLA and K/1 assessments match the trimester format and content? The CLA and K/1 assessment windows will be aligned with the trimester schedule. Every year the testing and curriculum offices attempt to align the content of the CLA with the report card schedule more effectively.

16 Frequently Asked Questions
Will the rubrics be revised? There are rubrics for each standard in the Report Card section of Data Director. They are suggestions and may be used to guide your decisions in determining proficiency levels. They need revision, and any input or suggestions you have will be appreciated. They will not be revised for this year, but possibly for the ‘13-’14 school year. Do these changes affect the Immersion and Bilingual Program report cards? This presentation is only intended to guide the use of the General Education Standards Based Report Card. Sites with Biliteracy and Dual Language Immersion Pathways may need to contact the Multilingual Pathways Department regarding report cards for other languages. The current resources available are being modified to align to the changes being made this year to the General Education Standards Based Report Card.

Next Steps in the Report Card Discussion: ELD SECTION FOR ENGLISH LEARNERS Informs parents of their child’s ongoing ELD progress. Completed each trimester for any student designated as an English Learner by their ELD teacher. Formative assessments by grade level available on the SFUSD SharePoint site in addition to ELD assessments used at your site can help teachers complete the ELD section. Principals may use appropriate EL funds and/or modify the schedules and responsibilities of teachers with high numbers of EL students to support the extra time needed for assessment and completion of the ELD report card section. Found on Data Director. Multilingual Pathways Department supports this section of the report card. More information will be provided at the Principals’ Meeting on August 29th.

Lead this presentation and discussion with site staff Make the Power Point materials available to site staff as a reference tool Provide time for on-going conversation regarding implementation of the SBRC and Mid-Trimester Communication Direct future questions and comments to the SBRC at

19 SBRC: District-Level Support
Feedback, questions, and comments are welcome and appreciated. Feel free to contact the SBRC Committee, whose members are SFUSD classroom teachers and District staff: Hoover Liddell 555 Franklin John Burke Susie Siegel Emily Ellingson Jilma Ortiz Research, Planning & Accountability Yick Wo Grattan Alvarado Kathy Bradley Angie Estonina Craig Berger Sara Saldana Academics & Professional Development Multilingual Pathways Teacher Support & Development SBRC Committee

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