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Build your Character Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success

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Presentation on theme: "Build your Character Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Build your Character Habits @ Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success
Christian Love Build your Character Habits @ Bishop Justus Embracing Challenge Forward Planning Ready & Respectful Evaluating & Reviewing Time + Effort = Success Presentation, Innovation & Creating Teamwork Resilience Effective Effort Coherent Communication

2 Bishop Justus Church of England School
Morning Worship Hilda, Abbess of Whitby 21st November 2017 Bishop Justus Church of England School

3 Let the light of Christ shine in our lives
Gather The Lord be with you And also with you Let the light of Christ shine in our lives

4 Receive I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, chapter 4, verses 1 to 3

5 Engage Hilda was born in 614 of the royal house of Northumbria. Baptised in York at the age of twelve by the Roman missionary Paulinus, she was later an influential lay leader of the Church. She was encouraged by Aidan of Lindisfarne and subsequently established a monastery at Whitby. This place became a great centre of learning and was the meeting-place for the important Synod of Whitby in the year 664 at which Hilda's role was that of a reconciler between the Roman and the Celtic traditions. She is remembered as a great educator. She died on 17 November in the year 680.

6 Engage Some discussion ideas …
Video suggestions … A Brief Illustrated History of the Synod of Whitby - Invictus - Movie clip- Reconciliation and Forgiveness Start Here (2009) Some discussion ideas … What qualities or skills do you think a person needs to be a good reconciler? Can every problem be reconciled? Why? What major problems are there in the world that need some reconciliation? Discussion techniques - Go back to the Bible passage ask “How does the theme link with the Bible passage?” Discuss the question in pairs for 30 seconds then invite a response from each pair. Use quick-fire answers e.g. throw a soft bean bag / toy to a student, when they answer they throw it back and you quickly throw to another student. Simplify the question - Invite quick one-word answers, write them on the board, then reflect on the answers – see connections. Activity suggestion … In small groups – practice a debate, chose a question and people to speak for or against, also chose a person to chair the debate (make sure each person gets time to speak). Stop after a few minutes and ask how difficult it was to chair the debate.

7 Respond Amen Eternal God,
[Reflect for a minute on the worship theme and our engagement …] Eternal God, who made the abbess Hilda to shine like a jewel in our land and through her holiness and leadership blessed your Church with new life and unity: help us, like her, to yearn for the gospel of Christ and to reconcile those who are divided; through him who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Prayer / reflection technique – Give a summary of the theme and any responses that students may have made, then invite everyone to be still (remind no books open etc – lessen distraction). To pray or reflect on today’s worship. Be quiet for one minute. Then say the prayer …

8 Go out into the world with the light of Christ
Let us bless the Lord Thanks be to God Go out into the world with the light of Christ

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