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Recent development of Finnish Enterprise Groups Register

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1 Recent development of Finnish Enterprise Groups Register
- Timo Laukkanen International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames Wiesbaden, October 2007

2 Content Coherence of the statistical output with FATS and EG register
Inter department development project Main findings Plans for developing the EG register Towards direct links system and automatic updating New administrative data for maintenance of the EG register Tax Administration new data on ownership Timo Laukkanen October 2007

3 Coherence of the statistical output with FATS and EG register
Development project of the EG register and FATS statistics Common interest, foreign owned enterprises in Finland =>Inward FATS, Multinational enterprise groups Background: conflicting figures, overlapping efforts in data treatment, no common rules for treatment of problematic units, no common language Aim Harmonising the output of two statistics by harmonising definitions, treatment of individual units and rationalising the work process Timo Laukkanen October 2007

4 Coherence of the statistical output with FATS and EG register
Main benefits Removing systematic differences in treatment of individual units: 50% rule, funds as UCI, inclusion/exclusion of certain unit present only in some administrative data Reducing the workload with common efforts ‘Harmonised’ language (terminology, jargon, definitions) inside of Statistics Finland Removing black-box difference from statistical output of two statistics Knowing better other statistics processes, needs, data, etc... Timo Laukkanen October 2007

5 Plans for developing Finnish EG register
Impetus: new challenges, new data, old problems Present database structure reflect the characteristics of data and user needs Two relations model: EG - LeU and LeU -LeU relations Data Main data source consolidated annual accounts from the Board of Patents and Registration Various styles for presenting the EG information Main problem missing in-group owning shares No problems in compilation the chain of control Problems in presenting exact control/ owning shares in multilevel EGs if relying on direct links only Timo Laukkanen October 2007

6 Plans for developing Finnish EG register 2
User needs Role of tax administration for EGR and BR Allocation of enterprise revenue tax to local governments, verifications based on BR and EG register data. EG revenue taxes allocated according to 90% owning share cut-off Exact owning shares used in other statistics Conflict Missing in-group owning links prevent simple reformulation of the EGR on ‘direct links only’ system. How to record unknown direct owner to database? Simultaneous updating of EG-enterprise and direct links causes problems to automatic updating. Whole EG structure should be updated at single point of time for avoiding problems Timo Laukkanen October 2007

7 Plans for developing Finnish EG register 3
EGR development project launched in October 2007 Shift from two relations model to direct links based system Renewal of software and processes used in EGR maintenance Enabling automatic input and updating of data Shift from manual data input to verifications Idea Completing the direct links information with Fix-links only in those links where missing information is crucial (4% of all links) Fix link will be presented to first upper parent in chain of control where the problem is not present anymore EGR updating based only on these direct links EG structure presented in flavour of EuroGroups Register ‘consolidation’ Timo Laukkanen October 2007

8 Simplified presentation
Total EG owning share 67,7% Known direct owning share 35,2% Missing direct shares 32,7% Simplified presentation Timo Laukkanen October 2007

9 Q: How to include unknown in-group relations to direct links database?
A: Inclusion of the corrections to missing information only to Fix table. Fix Timo Laukkanen October 2007

10 New administrative data source for EG updating
Before 2006 Tax administration collecting data about group contributions No reporting if no group contributions Representing only part of EG links No ownership or control From 2006 onwards Renovation of business taxation reporting Recording owners of the shares (‘parents’) and shares owned (‘subsidiaries’). Including legal and natural persons High hopes turning to big disappointment? First year of recording data in electronic form, improving the quality in following years? Timo Laukkanen October 2007

11 New administrative data...
Despite the problems in data Data usable for automatic updating of certain EG links, focusing on small EGs Improve linking of individual entrepreneurs and enterprise => Improving accuracy of number of entrepreneurs => Improving BR ability to serve other statistics BR and EGR still looking best way for utilising the data Feedback to Tax administration Thank you! Timo Laukkanen October 2007

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