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Value Stream Mapping ASQ March 2018.

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1 Value Stream Mapping ASQ March 2018

2 Learning to See from the Lean Enterprise Institute
VSM Training Topics Lean Manufacturing Terms Value Stream Mapping Current & Future State Maps Value Stream Management Classroom Exercise Learning to See from the Lean Enterprise Institute

3 What is a Value Stream? The Value Stream is all the activities, from raw material through delivery to the customer, involved in the creation of a product or product family. The Value Stream crosses all functional departments and lines of responsibility. Supplier Blanking Stamping Weld 1 Weld 2 Assembly Inspection Customer

4 What is Value Stream Mapping?
A continuous improvement tool that shows: Material flow Raw material Process steps WIP (Work in Process) Finished goods Information flow Forecast and orders from the customer. Forecast and orders to suppliers. Scheduling of daily production. Waste / opportunities for improvement

5 What is Lean Manufacturing?
A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement. Lean focuses on the customer, allowing products to be pulled through a continuous flow value stream to meet customer demand. Supplier Blanking Stamping Weld 1 Weld 2 Assembly Inspection Customer

6 Waste In straight forward terms, LEAN means getting rid of WASTE. In all of its forms -- both in manufacturing and administration. ELIMINATE Waste is anything that does not add value to the product or service. Your customer is not willing to pay for waste.

7 The 8 Wastes Over Production Waiting Transportation Extra Processing
Excess Inventory Excess Motion Defective Products Wasted potential of associates PLAN ACTUAL Scrap

8 Terms

9 Terms Batch & Queue (Push System) - Producing more than one piece at a time then moving them forward to the next process whether they are needed or not. Pull System - Customer process withdraws what is needed from a supermarket, the supplying process only replaces what is used. Just-in-Time - Producing or conveying only what is needed at the next process when it is needed and only in the required quantity. Kanban - A signaling device that tells production what to do.

10 Terms Takt Time - Used to synchronize the pace of production with the pace of sales. Tells us how fast we should produce in order to match customer demand. Cycle Time - Piece to piece time -- the frequency a piece comes off the end of the line. Process Time - How long it takes to go through a process. Lead Time - Time required for one piece to move all the way through a value stream (from raw material to completed product).

11 Terms Product Family - Group of products that pass through similar processing steps and over common equipment. Work in Process (WIP) – Inventory in between raw material and finished goods. Value Stream Manager - Person responsible for leading door-to-door implementation.

12 Value Stream Mapping

13 Three Levels of VSM Plant Level – Our Focus
Enterprise Level – Total Value Stream Iron Ore Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 ELP AH Dealer Consumer Plant Level – Our Focus Blanking Weld 2 Weld 1 Stamping Tier 2 Inspection Assembly ELP Operation Level – Micro Value Stream Oper 1 Oper 4 Oper 3 Oper 2 Weld 2 Oper 6 Oper 5 Inspection

14 Why Value Stream Mapping?
Puts the entire value stream on one page for everyone to see. Focuses on the big picture and improving the whole, not just optimizing a process. Helps identify the sources of waste in the value stream. Guides the use of the right tool in the right place. Provides a common language for process improvement. Shows the linkage between material flow and information flow. Forms the basis of a Lean implementation plan through future state mapping. Blanking Weld 2 Weld 1 Stamping Tier 2 Inspection Assembly ELP

15 Stages of Mapping Define the Product family. Develop a plan to reach
your Future State. Draw Current State. Define & Draw Future State. CURRENT-STATE FUTURE-STATE IMPLEMENTATION

16 Product Family Matrix

17 Current State Icons I Movement of material by Push Factory Operator
XYZ COMPANY Movement of material by Push Factory Operator Movement of goods to customer Data Block Process “Go See” production scheduling I Inventory Manual Information Flow X per Week Material delivery by truck Electronic Information Flow

18 Future State Icons OXOX 20 Level Loading Supermarket Kanban Post
Withdrawal from a Supermarket 20 Production Kanban FIFO max. 20 pieces First In First Out lane Kaizen Burst, Improvement area Withdraw Kanban

19 Drawing a Current State Map
Mapping is conducted by going to the spot. Start with a quick walk through of the entire process. Begin mapping at the shipping area and work your way back to incoming raw materials. Always draw the map by hand, in pencil, at the spot. Collect your own data. Do not use standards or hearsay.

20 Current State Map 1. Show Customer (top RH corner)
- Include daily demand 2. Show processes (right to left) - Start at shipping - Go “back” through processes DATA BOX Examples of Process Data - Cycle Time - Changeover Time # of Operators # of Shifts - Scrap Rate Overall Equip. Effectiveness (OEE) Other key process measurements DATA BOX Pr.1 Pr.2 Pr.3 DATA DATA DATA

21 Current State Map 3. Capture inventory at each process
DATA BOX 3. Capture inventory at each process - Or wherever it is found - Add inventories before or after processes as appropriate I Pr.1 Pr.2 Pr.3 DATA DATA QTY DATA Material Flow Pr.1 DATA Pr.2 Pr.3 I QTY BOX DAILY SUPPLY WEEKLY 4. Add supplier information - Show supply & shipping rates and methods.

22 Current State Map 5. Show Information Flow - Start at the Customer
Paper Electronic SUPPLY DATA Production Control Forecast Schedule Weekly Schedule DATA BOX WEEKLY DAILY I QTY I QTY Pr.1 Pr.2 Pr.3 DATA DATA DATA Pr.1 DATA Pr.2 Pr.3 I QTY BOX DAILY SUPPLY WEEKLY Production Control Forecast Schedule Weekly Schedule 6. Draw time line at bottom - Summarizes VSM data - Lead Time - Process Time

23 Lead Time vs. Process Time
Current State Map Lead Time vs. Process Time I 18 Sec 3.3 D 17.0 D C/T (sec) 18 C/O (min) 20 Shifts 2 Opers Weld 55 6 Assemble 55 Sec 3564 18360 Process Time for each step is brought down Calculate individual Lead Times Customer Demand = pc / day 3564 pc / 1080 pc per day = 3.3 days 18360 pc / 1080 pc per day = days

24 Current State Map I I I I I 5.0 D 10.0 D 3.3 D 17.0 D 7.0 D 42.3 Days
Order Monthly Order Daily HONDA Supplier PRODUCTION CONTROL Forecast 30/60/90 Forecast 30/60/90 ELP / D 360 HCM / D 720 Shifts 2 Total / D 1080 Honda Reqs 1 per week 2 per day C/T (sec) 2.8 C/O (min) 60 Shifts 2 Opers Stamping C/T (sec) 25 C/O (min) 30 Shifts 2 Opers Machine C/T (sec) 18 C/O (min) 20 Shifts 2 Opers Weld C/T (sec) 55 C/O (min) Shifts 2 Opers 6 Assemble Shifts 2 Opers Shipping I I I I I 5400 10800 3564 18360 7560 5.0 D 10.0 D 3.3 D 17.0 D 7.0 D 42.3 Days 2.8 Sec 25 Sec 18 Sec 55 Sec 100.8 Sec

25 Hand-Drawn Current State Map

26 Kaizen Burst Opportunities

27 Future State Map Cellular Manufacturing Total Quality Teams
Setup Reduction (SMED) Batch Reduction Every Part Every Day Kanban Pull Systems Metrics & Measurement Value Stream Mapping Process Mapping Work Balancing 5S Autonomation Lean Tools and Techniques Pokayoke Jidoka Elimination of Waste Total Productive Maintenance Continuous Flow One Piece Flow Standard Work Visual Management In Station Process Control Level Production Takt Time Point of Use Storage Kaizen Supplier Development

28 House of Lean Continuous Improvement Teams Jidoka Kaizen
1 Piece Flow Jidoka Kaizen Level Production Pull/Kanban System TPM Pull / Kanban Cellular Mfg. POUS Error Proofing Standard Work Small Lots Teams Setup Reduction Mapping Stream Value Cross Training Visual 5S System OEE

29 Future State Map Are we stable? (Quality, Delivery & OEE)
Questions to ask when creating a Future State. Are we stable? (Quality, Delivery & OEE) What is the Takt Time? How do we balance all the operations to Takt Time? How much of the value stream can be continuous, one piece flow? Where will the supermarket pull systems be placed? Where is the one point to schedule the value stream?

30 Future State Map Takt Time - Used to synchronize the pace of production with the pace of sales. Tells us how fast we should produce in order to match customer demand. Takt Available Time (yours) Time Demand (customer) =

31 Work is combined and rebalanced
Future State Map Work Balance Takt Time is 100 seconds Work is combined and rebalanced

32 Future State Map

33 Pull / Kanban Systems An approach to production that, when implemented, eliminates sources of waste in the production flow. Orders CASH ($) Supplier ASSY Test Material Red Rote Red Red Red Rote Rote KANBAN Material Flow Information Flow Make what customer wants, when the customer wants it Next process is the customer Supplying process produces to replenish only what was withdrawn.

34 Kanban Systems The Kanban system is a type of pull system which uses signals to communicate production requirements between processes. A Kanban is the signal, most often a card, that aids in achieving this pull system. The amount of inventory in the production process is controlled by the number of Kanban cards in the system. Kanban Card Weld Cell 1 Stamping Weld Cell 2 Weld Cell 3

35 Kanban Planning Board Top Priority Run Line
Part A Part B Part C Part D Part E

36 Current State Map I I I I I 5.0 D 10.0 D 3.3 D 17.0 D 7.0 D 42.3 Days
Order Monthly Order Daily Supplier PRODUCTION CONTROL Forecast 30/60/90 Forecast 30/60/90 ELP / D 360 HCM / D 720 Shifts 2 Total / D 1080 Reqs 1 per week 2 per day C/T (sec) 2.8 C/O (min) 60 Shifts 2 Opers Stamping C/T (sec) 25 C/O (min) 30 Shifts 2 Opers Machine C/T (sec) 18 C/O (min) 20 Shifts 2 Opers Weld C/T (sec) 55 C/O (min) Shifts 2 Opers 6 Assemble Shifts 2 Opers Shipping I I I I I 5400 10800 3564 18360 7560 5.0 D 10.0 D 3.3 D 17.0 D 7.0 D 42.3 Days 2.8 Sec 25 Sec 18 Sec 55 Sec 100.8 Sec

37 Answers for the Future State.
Future State Map Answers for the Future State. Takt Time 900min / 1080pc = 50 sec/pc Work Balance Continuous Flow Mach Weld Assy. Supermarket After Stamp After Assy. Schedule Point Shipping, twice a day

38 Future State Map I 5.0 D 2.0 D 0 D 7.0 D 14 Days 2.8 Sec 48 Sec 50 Sec
Order Monthly Order Daily Supplier PRODUCTION CONTROL Forecast 30/60/90 Forecast 30/60/90 ELP / D 360 HCM / D 720 Shifts 2 Total / D 1080 Honda Reqs 1 per week 2 per day C/T (sec) 2.8 C/O (min) 60 Shifts 2 Opers Stamping C/T (sec) 48 C/O (min) 20 Shifts 2 Opers MWA C/T (sec) 50 C/O (min) Shifts 2 Opers 6 Assemble Shifts 2 Opers Shipping I 5.0 D 2.0 D 0 D 7.0 D 14 Days 2.8 Sec 48 Sec 50 Sec 100.8 Sec

39 Continuous Improvement
Future State Map Results 2 operators freed up Lead time decrease, 42.3 days to 14 days. Prod. Control only schedules one point. Operations manages production via the pull system. Continuous Improvement Changeover reduction on stamping press. POU storage for raw material. Finished goods reduction. Future State Becomes Current

40 Why Value Stream Mapping?
Puts the entire value stream on one page for everyone to see. Focuses on the big picture and improving the whole, not just optimizing a process. Helps identify the sources of waste in the value stream. Guides the use of the right tool in the right place. Provides a common language for process improvement. Shows the linkage between material flow and information flow. Forms the basis of a Lean implementation plan through future state mapping. Blanking Weld 2 Weld 1 Stamping Tier 2 Inspection Assembly ELP

41 Value Stream Managers Each Value Stream needs a Value Stream Manager
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 “Customer” The Value Stream Manager Kaizen The conductor of implementation: Focused on system wins Reports to the top dog

42 Critical Success Factors
Management must understand, embrace, and lead the organization into lean thinking. Associates must be empowered and enabled to make improvements. Improvements must be planned in detail with the cross-functional Kaizen teams. Success must be tracked by the appropriate metric and translated to the bottom line. Lean methodology – including VSM – must become part of the company culture

43 Value Stream Mapping Current State Exercise

44 Value Stream Mapping Exercise Creating a Current State Map
Map-Us Corporation Plant-Wide Data 20 work days per month 2 shift operation 8.5 hour shifts Two 10 minute paid breaks per shift ½ hour unpaid lunch Stamping First Operation Press makes parts for many products Cycle time is 2 seconds Changeover time is 1.5 hours One operator Downtime averages 130 minutes per day OEE = 42% 3 coils before press (1800 pcs / coil) 4200 stamped parts Assembly Third Operation Cycle time is 110 seconds No Changeover time 6 Assembly people OEE = 69% 3600 units in WIP 2400 units in FG Shipping Receive shipping schedule from production control Picks from finished goods Ships to customer Production Control Receive EDI monthly forecasts from customer Receive EDI orders every Monday Enters info into MRP system EDI monthly forecast to suppliers EDI weekly order to suppliers Suppliers ship once per week Sends a daily schedule to Stamping, Welding and Assembly each day Welding Second Operation Cycle time is 50 seconds Changeover time is 20 minutes Two operators Downtime averages 30 minutes per day OEE = 62% 1800 units in WIP Customer Requirements Monthly demand is units Customer order ranges from 500 to 800 units Daily shipments

45 Exercise Current State Map
Order Weekly Forecast Monthly Order Weekly Forecast Monthly Customer Supplier PRODUCTION CONTROL 1 per week Units/day 600 Cust. Reqs. Daily C/T (sec) 2 C/O (min) 90 Shifts Opers 1 OEE 42% DT (min) 130 Stamping C/T (sec) 50 C/O (min) 20 Shifts 2 Opers OEE 62% DT (min) 30 Welding C/T (sec) 110 C/O (min) Shifts 2 Opers 6 OEE 69% Assembly Shifts 2 Shipping I 1800 I 3600 I 2400 I 5400 Building the current state map. Animation order Start with the customer. Customer requirements Production control Customer forecast and orders Supplier Supplier forecast and orders Supplier shipment Operations Blanking Welding Assembly Shipping Push arrows Customer Shipment Production Control Scheduling Inventory triangles from left to right Process time summary Lead time summary I 4200 29.0 Days 9.0 D 4.0 D 10.0 D 6.0 D 162 Sec 2 Sec 50 Sec 110 Sec

46 Additional Information, Training and Support
Web Sites Books The Machine That Changed the World (James Womack) Lean Thinking (James Womack) Learning to See, Creating Continuous Flow, etc.

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