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Primary vs. Secondary Sources

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Presentation on theme: "Primary vs. Secondary Sources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary vs. Secondary Sources
Objective: Students will be able to identify primary and secondary sources.

2 Primary Sources Primary sources are the ___________________sources of information recorded ________________________________________________. First-hand accounts of events Historical documents Examples ___________________________ Poetry Personal Interviews Autobiographies Artifacts Editorial Cartoons Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, DC

3 Why use primary sources?
To explain how major events are related to each other in time. To think critically and distinguish between __________ and _________________. To recognize ___________________________in print and visual materials.

4 Secondary Sources Secondary sources of information are derived from
________________________________ Summaries of primary sources Analyses or interpretations of primary sources Examples _______________________ Biographies Books written recently on a topic that happened in the past

5 Why use secondary sources?
To get ____________________opinions in order to evaluate what really happened. To gain insight by examining the same __________________ from different __________________________. To save time by reading information collected from a number of different ____________________.

6 Primary or Secondary? Do you know the difference? Read the following examples of sources. Identify if each is a Primary Source by writing a P on the line or a Secondary Source, write S. ________ 1. Diary kept by John Smith, a soldier in the Confederate Army ________ 2. Photograph of Dr. George Washington Carver taken in 1898 ________ 3. Biography of George Washington ________ 4. Newspaper article about the assassination of President Kennedy written on November 23, 1963 ________ 5. Television mini-series about President Franklin Roosevelt's life ________ 6. Scrapbook kept by Mrs. Mary Smith in 1883 with copies of recipes and household hints ________ 7. Photograph album containing pictures of classmates at Tuskegee Institute in 1923 ________ 8. Letter written by Emily Smith to her friend Pamela Jones, May 3, 1826, describing her trip by wagon from North Carolina to Huntsville, Alabama

7 ________ 9. Article about Martin Luther King, Jr
________ 9. Article about Martin Luther King, Jr. in People Magazine, 1988 ________ 10. Information about Creek Indians in World Book Encyclopedia ________ 11. Cassette tape of an interview with Dr. James Lee describing his life as a doctor in Montgomery County during the 1920s ________ 12. The Story of Alabama, a textbook by Virginia Van der Veer Hamilton ________ 13. Matthew Mason's will, 1896 ________ 14. Map of Alabama drawn by John LaTourette, 1841 ________ 15. Minutes from the 1898 organization of United Methodist Church published in a play in 1988

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