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Soil Testing Katy, Tara, & Heather.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Testing Katy, Tara, & Heather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Testing Katy, Tara, & Heather

2 Soil Testing determines what kind of fertilizer is necessary to produce the best product.

3 There are four major soil groups:
Sandy Soils Loamy Soils Fine textured clayey Soils, high in organic matter Fine textured Clayey soils from the Central Black belt Region

4 Alabama has seven major soil areas:
Limestone valleys and uplands Appalachian Plateau Piedmont Plateau Prairies Coastal Plains Major Flood Plains Coastal Marshes and Beaches

5 Coastal Plains Coffee County is located in the coastal plains.
In this region soil is either loamy or clayey subsoil and sandy loam surface layers.

6 Soil Testing Soil Testing determines the amount of minerals and the pH level of the soil.

7 Step 1: Take your sample!

8 Tools needed Soil test probe or shovel Bucket Soil test box
Soil test mailing box

9 Taking the Sample Take a minimum of 20 mini samples

10 Samples from plowed fields should be taken to plow depth
6-8 inches

11 Sod (grass) areas should be taken to a depth of “2” inches.


13 Step 2: Analyze your sample!

14 Chemical extraction and testing procedure
The procedures used must be correlated to plant growth and nutrient uptake in Alabama.

15 Step 3: Use your results!

16 When you receive a soil test report, you must make decisions about how to use readily available fertilizers or ordering custom blended fertilizer.

17 The End A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often- just to save it from dying out completely.

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