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PowerPoint Briefing Template

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Briefing Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint Briefing Template

2 Overview Introduction of Topic
Sub Topics (Key notes: Organization, Dos and Don'ts, and Animation) Summary Questions 5 means to dissolve resistance

3 Power Point Briefing This briefing will display the proper way to format a power point briefing for a presentation. It will include proper format, font and color. It will cover presentation conduct and behavior. The usage of animation.

4 Key Notes Organization
7x7; 7 words per line, no more than 7 lines. One thought per slide. Always left justify. Color use should be standardized and limited. 4 or 5 colors Bright font, dark back ground, Vise Versa Use same font. Title 40 Subtopics 30 Text 20-26

5 Key Notes Dos and Don’ts
Don’t read off slides. Briefer should be educated on their topic. Be confident, Flexible and practice. Avoid NVQ (non verbal quirks) AFH pg. 115.

6 Key notes Animation Sparingly use sound effects.
Always use the same slide transition. Videos are effective, but limit usage.

7 Summary Introduction of topic Key notes Organization Dos and Don’ts
Format, Font, Color and slide usage. Dos and Don’ts Practice, flexibility and NVQ. Animation Videos, sound effects and slide transitions.

8 Questions?

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