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Peak Oil Environmental Justice Taskforce 2006

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1 Peak Oil Environmental Justice Taskforce 2006
Ecuador & Oil Peak Oil Environmental Justice Taskforce 2006


3 Why is he angry? Poverty Life and death Destruction

4 Poverty Ecuador is one of South America's poorest countries, Ecuador, is believed to be sitting on huge untapped reserves of oil and gas. Much of it, though, lies beneath remote areas of the Amazon rainforest in the ancestral and legally granted lands of the Achuar, Shuar and Kichwa people.

5 Ecuador before and after oil
Before Oil After Oil Poverty level 50% 70% Share of natural resources of the poorest 20% 6% Under/ unemployment 15% 71% Public debt $0.24 billion $16 Billion Perilous Prosperity by Chris Jochnick

6 Why is he angry? Poverty Life and death Destruction

7 Why is he angry? Poverty Life and death Destruction

8 Texaco Texaco’s legacy of environmental destruction has left strong resistance to oil projects Their extraction processes contaminated both land and water, and has left the people with numerous health problems.


10 This photograph shows an oil pipeline that has been leaking
into the stream below

11 This photograph show oil waste products being burned
off after refinement. The smoke emitted from the burning causes health problems and "black rain".

12 This photograph shows an oil pit, where oil waste products are stored.
A border of several feet of clay soil may be all that separated these contaminants from water tables. eric schniter Anthropologistat UC Santa Barbara

13 Sources of Problems US resource interests Globalization
Texaco 1970s Globalization IMF and World Bank GATT Resource depletion

14 Picture from “Ecuador tribes vow to fight oil threat “ Michael Voss, 3/03/05 BBC

15 Oil Map of Ecuador


17 Outcomes Debt Displacement Poverty Genocide Environmental devastation

18 Debt The massive indebtedness of Ecuador to the International Monetary Fund has forced it to open its natural resources for international exploitation

19 Winners & Losers Not all sections of Ecuadoran society have benefited equally from oil revenues. The traditionally dominant Spanish-descended elite gained far more than the indigenous peoples, who make up a large proportion of those who live in poverty. BBC, Protests halt Ecuador oil exports, 8/19/05

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